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References: [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [Yaesu] FT-727 Manual (score: 1)
Author: "mike stokes" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:32:50 -0400
Can anyone point to a FT-727 manual on-line or email me a scanned / pdf copy ? Thanks in advance. -- Mike Stokes KK9V _______________________________________________ Yaesu mailing list Yaesu@contesti
/archives//html/Yaesu/2007-08/msg00010.html (6,166 bytes)

2. [Yaesu] Fwd: RTTY issue (score: 1)
Author: mike stokes <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 05:34:46 -0500
Hi I am having the following problem and hoping someone has some ideas. I bought a SignalLink USB interface to use with my FT-1000MP Mrk V with plans for me and my son (KD9BVD) to make some RTTY cont
/archives//html/Yaesu/2015-02/msg00001.html (7,153 bytes)

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