Excellent. Just excellent. I would emulate you but, unfortunately, my lap is completely occupied by my belly. I'm SO1RNOLAP. 73, Redd, WB2DVU climbed amp, a
Hi all. Same here. No response (yea or nay) from cw@cqwpx.com Bounced twice from wpxcw@kkn.net , thus: "This is the Postfix program at host loja.kkn.net. I'm sorry to have to inform you that the mess
Greetings. I am setting up for CQWW CW using my trusty MK-1100. CW is fine from the keyboard and paddle UNTIL I hit ESC or CTRL C (to halt cw) or ALT F9 or ALT F10 (to change cw speed). At that point
Hi Chad, et al. DUH DUH DUH!!!! You got it, Chad. I had Number Of Radios=1 checked OK, but needed to check "This Window is Radio Left". The keyer didn't know where the radio was. All is now fine; my