- 221. [WriteLog] Determining Best Rate/Hour (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 12:46:41 -0500
- That can't quite be it either though. I tried a 10-hr NAQP contest - 272 Qs. The program said 5/hr... That's not even close if you considered the whole 12 hr allowed period. I think the RATE program
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-07/msg00412.html (8,700 bytes)
- 222. [WriteLog] RTTY Function Key memory bank Help (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
- Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 08:43:10 -0500
- for checked *You need %E at the end.* Your question was appropriate for the WL reflector, but you didn't need to post to the RTTY reflector, FYI. GL - 73
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-07/msg00432.html (7,604 bytes)
- 223. [WriteLog] Which Sound Card? (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
- Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 16:55:22 -0500
- in motherboard the I can't argue with any of that. However, ISA is going, going.... and with it goes RITTY. If someone is buying NEW, I would advise the Soundblaster 16 PCI for $30 and its use with
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-07/msg00448.html (8,259 bytes)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 06:34:47 -0500
- The good news is that your 1 computer can easily DO IT ALL! Your question is a little confusing, but here's a try. Please clarify a bit if you don't quite get the answer you're looking for. 1. You on
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-07/msg00454.html (8,261 bytes)
- 225. [WriteLog] Second sound card (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
- Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 13:31:13 -0500
- Have you looked at the SoundBlaster Extigy? http://www.soundblaster.com/products/extigy/
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00030.html (8,389 bytes)
- 226. [WriteLog] Rigblaster (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
- Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 17:29:35 -0500
- Dave you could've saved yourself a lot of headaches by getting a transistor and a couple of resistors from RS instead of using the Rigblaster. I think it's only really meant for AFSK, isn't it? With
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00041.html (7,753 bytes)
- 227. [WriteLog] Problem with ANARTS scoring (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 22:25:25 -0500
- Contest | Parameter Setup | - Then set your zone. After a couple of years of asking this question myself, I remembere the answer this year! 73
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00058.html (7,470 bytes)
- 228. [WriteLog] Help! 4 pin DIN plug (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 12:52:46 -0500
- It's your lucky day! If you smile real nice and promise to be nice to someone on the ham reflectors today, I could put the following in the mail to you: 1. 1 new 4-pin DIN for the Yaesu 2. 1 cable w
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00073.html (8,269 bytes)
- 229. [WriteLog] Re: Dual Output Video Card (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 13:25:38 -0500
- I'm using the Matrox G450 and love it! www.matrox.com
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00076.html (8,132 bytes)
- 230. [WriteLog] [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 07:22:21 -0500
- I complained quite a bit a few years ago about the Byterunner 8-port PCI card. It wouldn't install. The service tech sent me the very latest drivers, and after about 5-10 minutes on the phone with hi
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00178.html (11,355 bytes)
- 231. [WriteLog] Can't Select LPT Ports (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 18:22:23 -0500
- And why would THAT make it necessary, Gil? (SHEILDS UP!)
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00234.html (7,682 bytes)
- 232. [WriteLog] Can't Select LPT Ports (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 19:08:16 -0500
- be...<snip> EXPERIMENT SUCCESSFUL! ;-)
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00236.html (8,052 bytes)
- 233. [WriteLog] Setting up ports/Almost working now (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
- Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 17:28:24 -0500
- The entry to change the com port number is CommSlot4=6 The rest of it belongs on another line, e.g. COM6=9600,n,8,1,x Should look like: CommSlot4=6 COM6=9600,n,8,1,x although all the CommSlot entrie
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00257.html (7,086 bytes)
- 234. [WriteLog] rig control (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 06:14:06 -0500
- after the Mike, what are the com parameters? Maybe should be 4800,n,8,2 ??
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00272.html (7,256 bytes)
- 235. [WriteLog] Re:RTTY reflector (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 20:09:55 -0500
- http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rtty Welcome back!
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00284.html (7,296 bytes)
- 236. [WriteLog] FW: CW Keying (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 22:39:17 -0500
- What's the matter with you guys? You obviously haven't used WriteLog or otherwise been around very long. Disk? What's that? I've never had WL on a disk - Guess I've missed something. The manual IS on
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00312.html (8,768 bytes)
- 237. [WriteLog] Software disc for Matrox 450 card? (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 14:59:25 -0500
- I have one. The drivers are available from the web site http://www.matrox.com/mga/support/drivers/certified/home.cfm. I have the driver package 5.72.021 from this page for WIN2000. It is a self-insta
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00328.html (7,868 bytes)
- 238. [WriteLog] Now how do I do this? (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 14:10:27 -0500
- This is a common question, and the answer is easy - and WriteLog does support higher com ports. It does only support 4 ports AT ONE TIME, but they can be higher numbers than 1-4. In the ini file, yo
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00343.html (8,144 bytes)
- 239. Here's how? [WriteLog] Now how do I do this? (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 21:17:17 -0500
- OK, it was appropriately pointed out to me that the originator of the question had the following needs: "2 radios, rotator and packet = 4 COM ports, none left for CW keying!" To which I respond, can'
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00346.html (7,218 bytes)
- 240. [WriteLog] Version 10.33 (score: 1)
- Author: wa9als@starband.net (wa9als)
- Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:33:11 -0500
- Try again. I just did it (8 sec download via satellite!). Installed flawlessly. Then click Help | About, and it shows v10.33C - same on the first window that comes up. Be sure you run Setup.exe and
- /archives//html/WriteLog/2002-06/msg00369.html (6,738 bytes)
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