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Total 574 documents matching your query.

101. [WriteLog] Not sensitive to sound level (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 15:21:47 -0500
Not true. Levels are same/similar in different modes and different programs, e.g. WriteLog, MMTTY, Digipan, and others. You have a fixed audio output from the rig (I hope) going to your soundcard LI
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00020.html (7,116 bytes)

102. [WriteLog] Windows XP Home Questions (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 17:02:03 -0500
WriteLog will address higher com ports (to 15) easily - It's in the HELP file: There are 4 "slots" available for WriteLog rig interfacing. By default, CommSlot1 is COM1:, but you can change that by
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00026.html (7,761 bytes)

103. [WriteLog] Help recording compression (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 18:29:48 -0500
I'm recording continuously to file OK, but I'm not getting the compression I've set, 8kbs, 11,025,mono etc. Instead, I get a huge stereo file in the highest format. I've followed K9JY's instructions
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00031.html (6,584 bytes)

104. [WriteLog] No MPEG Layer-3 (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 22:38:30 -0500
OK, here's an update and last plea for awhile. 1. I -can- use various -PCM- compression formats. 2. I have Windows Media Player 7.x installed/working, and MPEG Layer-3 shows as a choice when I'm sett
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00038.html (6,574 bytes)

105. [WriteLog] Codecs (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 11:29:32 -0500
I had working Windows Media pLayer, and MPEG Layer-3 choice in WriteLog compression options, but the WL compression didn't work. I had the Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec as #12 in the Audio Compre
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00049.html (7,070 bytes)

106. [WriteLog] SS Setup (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 15:58:10 -0500
I When you hit SPACE after typing or clicking the callsign, the cursor moves BACK to the NR field etc.
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00063.html (7,546 bytes)

107. [WriteLog] Sections/Zones Worked? (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 22:22:06 -0500
Contest | Show Multipliers? or sections have been worked and which are still needed. Help an old man, please?
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00067.html (7,493 bytes)

108. [WriteLog] ALT K window does not display characters (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 10:48:32 -0500
Is it an XP issue? I know at least one other person with that problem, and he uses XP. That's what you get for having the latest and greatest from Microsoft. WriteLog wasn't designed on XP. I would b
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00080.html (8,952 bytes)

109. [WriteLog] wrong date !! (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 06:49:35 -0500
I thought that was the answer too, but I just tried it before seeing your post, and it didn't work that way in v10.33c - Did that change in more recent versions? I highlighted several entries, but on
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00109.html (9,219 bytes)

110. [WriteLog] ALT K window does not display characters (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 10:10:42 -0500
Gil, you've been on here long enough to know that Wayne will get this fixed if it really is a problem. You also know that he reads these posts and is already aware of the observations. If my recall i
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00119.html (9,885 bytes)

111. [WriteLog] ALT K window does not display characters (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 10:54:05 -0500
it? Gil, Wayne has ALREADY acknowledged the problem on the reflector. You don't need a personal email about it. that RTTY This is crazy, diarhea I think it was called awhile back. Dozens of people m
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00125.html (10,311 bytes)

112. [WriteLog] wrong date !! (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 06:14:18 -0500
I can edit the TIME that way (globally), but not the year. Even with all the Qs selected, changing the YEAR only changes the ONE QSO that was double-clicked to bring up the EDIT window. v10.33C, WIN2
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00163.html (7,766 bytes)

113. [WriteLog] Dual Bandmaps - Dual VFO's (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 09:36:02 -0500
Not the way you've described. You certainly can send the 2nd VFO audio to WriteLog as a 2nd radio for printing CW, RTTY, and PSK31 in the Rttyrite window. You can also open a 2nd bandmap and have it
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00167.html (7,650 bytes)

114. [WriteLog] Re: [SMC] Attn: WriteLog users (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 19:16:01 -0500
WriteLog. I don't WriteLog a "station wagon"? HAR HAR
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00169.html (6,764 bytes)

115. [WriteLog] ptt and rig control (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 14:56:20 -0500
Sure - That's what I usually do. I have rig control on one port and a FSK/PTT cable on another. Works fine. I could also do PTT via CAT rig control, but I don't usually do it that way. I think you w
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00180.html (8,027 bytes)

116. [WriteLog] ptt and rig control (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 17:20:14 -0500
Steve, it doesn't work that way. When you check the RIG box and set PTT = YES, you are telling WL to do PTT via CAT control - which you have on COM 4. If you want PTT on com 1, you need to indicate
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00185.html (8,095 bytes)

117. [WriteLog] IC746PRO &PK232 (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 21:58:25 -0500
This doesn't answer your question, but I have to ask: What do you mean "soundcard on com 2"? Soundcards don't go on com ports. HI all, Dumb extra here! I just got writelog and want to use it with the
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00192.html (7,639 bytes)

118. [WriteLog] WAE blast and group snafu (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 09:51:47 -0500
I'm not in this seriously this time, but to keep up the QTC skills. FUN - I have more QTCs than QSOs! To print 10 perfect QTCs from a fluttery polar station with WL/MMTTY is a treat! I did manage to
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00205.html (7,018 bytes)

119. [WriteLog] ptt resistance (part 2) (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 06:38:17 -0500
I don't have an amp with my 706, but I do with the 756PROII. My amp is keyed by my rig, and the rig with an interface like you've described. How is your amp keyed, exactly? If your rig keys properly,
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00217.html (9,082 bytes)

120. [WriteLog] Help with networked log under W2K (score: 1)
Author: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 12:44:45 -0500
network mixed place. Just another perspective. We have 4 machines on a home network, 2 wired and 2 wireless. These include 1 WIN2000 (my main ham computer), 2 WIN98 machines, and 1 WIN95 machine (ki
/archives//html/WriteLog/2002-11/msg00228.html (8,767 bytes)

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