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References: [ +from:docfrie@li-fish.net: 10 ]

Total 10 documents matching your query.

1. RTTY database (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 10:23:02 -0500
Where does one unzip the rtty callsign database to.....the programs folder in writelog?
/archives//html/WriteLog/1999-02/msg00001.html (5,829 bytes)

2. SS CW (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 21:31:50 -0500
Just wanted to say that after working a few hours in the SSCW contest, I found Writelog to be SUPER! Even tho I haven't been ably to key my radio thru the serial port yet, the logging/duping etc were
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-11/msg00015.html (6,627 bytes)

3. Tariq's Chat Area (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 21:44:08 -0500
I wonder if either Jay or Tariq would mind giving the info again on hooking upo to the chat area. This reflector is great but I still have problems I would like to iron out before next weekend's SS c
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-11/msg00026.html (6,367 bytes)

4. Two sound cards? (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 21:55:31 -0500
I had to install a second sound card (SB16). Now I have that and the monster sound. Problem is, the passthru cable takes up the line out on the sb16 and the line in on the monster. Wonder if I can us
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-11/msg00027.html (6,380 bytes)

5. Interfacing radio (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 16:05:39 -0400
Anyone got any input on this....my TS-870 has an accessory jack on the rear which allows access to both audio in (microphone in) and receive audio out. Could I just use this connector to run separate
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-10/msg00010.html (6,239 bytes)

6. Thanks to all (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 19:53:57 -0400
Just wanted to say a big thank you to all the guys who responded to my queries. This reflector is a great one indeed. Hope I can dole out some help to a newcomer one day. See y'all on the air! 73
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-10/msg00011.html (6,123 bytes)

7. Another question! (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 20:07:26 -0400
Here I just got thru thanking everybody fir their help, and i have yet another question! It seems that in order to do voice keying, one must record a wav file for every number and letter of the alpha
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-10/msg00012.html (6,476 bytes)

8. CW/RTTY Keying (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 20:13:17 -0400
I finally got the SSB to work and key my rig, so now it's a matter of fooling with the memories etc. GREAT! Now I can't seem to get the rig to key for cw/rtty. My radio is connected via serial port,
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-10/msg00019.html (6,925 bytes)

9. CW Keying (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 23:01:14 -0400
I am still bugged by the inability to key the TS-870 in CW/RTTY. I just have the rig connected via serial cable (Com 2). The software tha comes with the radio works fine in keying CW via this method.
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-10/msg00023.html (6,858 bytes)

10. Cw Keying (score: 1)
Author: docfrie@li-fish.net (Douglas R. Frie)
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:29:42 -0500
Has anyone gotten writelog to key cw on a ts-870 thru the serial port on the computer to serial port on radio? I haven't. SSB and rtty work fine, anyone got any ideas? Port setup is com2 on writelog'
/archives//html/WriteLog/1998-10/msg00029.html (6,367 bytes)

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