George, I think I saw where you fixed your problem. I just wanted to add something that I found out about many years ago from Eddie, W6/G0AZT. The best way to rid RFI in just about any type of cable
The only stupid question is the one not asked. OK, many users are not aware of this. It has come up quite a few times. You must use Lower Sideband with WriteLog when using a sound card for PSK31 or R
Hello Chris et al, Ah... The PSK factor. I think that's the big question mark this year. Last year there was limited action with Barry, W2UP, taking the PSK only plaque with 270 or so Q's. I have to
I think Randy hit close to the problem. I didn't have this problem and normally don't. The only time it has happened is when I tried to open a 3rd RTTY window while doing some testing before the cont
For those that are interested, I have added some pages onto my website describing this year's ARRL RTTY Roundup and how it played out for me including the strategies that I used. If you are intereste
Hi Bob, I thought I would respond to the entire group because there is a little bit of misconception on how the AFC works with RTTYrite and the WriteLog RTTY Receiver. First off I'd like to say that
I would like to compile a list of solid state transceivers you are presently using and have used in the past on RTTY. I'm trying to compile a list to put on my website so people can look at advantage
I just finished some testing on the AFC. Indeed, the signal does not appear to "lock" when the AFC box is unchecked. It seems as if the AFC still is working despite the fact that the AFC box is not c
I've completed putting the first two day's worth of comments I've received from many of you out there on my web site. The response was almost overwhelming - thank you. I haven't finished replying to
When I first ran version 10.23F, all the packetspots that were in the RTTY subband were showing red with a red x. I checked the Edit Subbands program with WriteLog and they were correct for RTTY. In
I concur. The 5 minute does not apply to this weekend's sprint. Here is what I received from John Barber, GW4SKA, contest manager for BARTG: -- WWW: Submissions: writelog@con
I'm shopping for a new computer and see that everything is coming out with Windows Millennium installed. Is anyone using WriteLog under Windows Millennium? If so, does it work OK? Just playing around
Stubbed onto this one on the 'net. Stubs made easy... A lot of you already know all about stubs. I've never used them but because of interfere
Got a strange one here. I upgraded one of my PC's from Win95 to Win98. Afterwards, I now do not get any packet spots showing up in the Bandmap. I am using DXTelnet and I get spots OK in the Packet Sp
I received the radio back today and I have been testing it this evening. It seems to be almost the same as when I sent it in. The only difference is that I think the receiver is a little more sensiti
You can actually make this change to an existing file. I had the same problem and although I liked not having to hit the space bar to advance the cursor from CK to SECT, it took me nearly the whole c
I just put my CW Sweepstakes file into WT4I's Cabrillo file checker to check for bad QSO's. It showed me 3. They are: VE1GN in MR VY1JA in YT VY2SS in MR All the information for the QSO's look correc
I concur. With DXTelnet, you have so many more options available. It works perfectly with WriteLog. You can't ask for a better combination. It's even works with WriteLog over a network using TCP/IP.
There have been a couple of rule changes in WAE this year. The main rule change is the 10 minute rule for all stations, single and multi-operator. "The minimum time of operation on a band is 10 minut