Barry - I have Windows XP Pro and use MPEG Layer 3 for WriteLog sound recording. When I click on the "Select WAV File Compression" button in the WriteLog Sound Board Setup Window, a number of compres
First, let me say I think WriteLog is absolutely the best contest logging program, or I wouldn't be using it. The Windows format is great for packing lots of information on the screen in a very flexi
George - Select Setup|Ports|CW Speeds... In the CW Speeds Window the box in row 1, column 3 contains the speed that WriteLog will use for its initial CW speed setting when you open the log. 73, Bob -
I usually try a few test QSO's when setting up a contest and then want to clear the log to get ready for the contest. The only means I can find to do this is "Undo last QSO", which only removes one Q
I've seen positive reviews about the Belkin board, but I tried adding the Belkin board to a 800 MHz Pentium III and could never get it to communicate with my Palm USB interface. Plus I started experi
I switched to XP and generally had no problems or special setup requirements, except to stop using the LPT port for CW keying. Apparently, NT/WIN2K/XP operating systems lack the necessary kinds of LP
When I use WriteLog for general purpose DXCC logging, I would like to eliminate the columns in the Log dealing with the individual band multipliers (M, 160, 80, .... 6 columns) and the PWR column tha
This past weekend I finished setting up WriteLog and a MK-1100+ on a new Pentium 4, 2GHz, 1GB RAM computer with a 17" flat screen monitor. It was wonderful to do a trial run for a couple of hundred Q
On further inspection, it turns out that writelog.ini file did, in fact, have some minor errors in the COM port assignments. I could swear, however, I had the program working over the weekend with th
Bill - Thank you for that info, and to GW4BLE for asking the question. This issue, albeit cosmetic, has been bothering me, as well. 73, Bob - W3YY -- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts -- multi
FWIW, that sounds like a good suggestion me. -- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts -- multipart/alternative text/plain (text body -- kept) text/html --
I'm installing WriteLog on a new computer running XP Professional. I have been successfully using LPT1 on my old computer for CW keying. On the new computer I cannot select LPT1 for use with CW. In f
Cort - Thanks for your reply. In several other direct responses I received, a program called Direct I/O was suggested. Sounds like that's what's needed to get WriteLog LPT keying working with XP. I'l
Mel - Yes, I've come to the same conclusion. I have a new MK-1100 Multi-Keyer here in the box. I plan to install that and use the COM ports for keying. 73, Bob - W3YY
Randy - I don't have a specific recommendation, but I deal with audio compression professionally, so here are some guidelines. The frequency response of the recorded signal will be equal to slightly
I'm in the process of integrating a MK-1100 Multi-Keyer into the shack. I purchased this unit despite some serious questions about the keyer's functions, but I'm pleasantly surprised with how it work