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References: [ 559 ]

Total 559 documents matching your query.

1. [VHFcontesting] September VHF Scores page (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 10:12:47 -0400
The September VHF QSO Party Score Rumors webform is up at It's also linked from our contest page, Feel free to enter your br
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2005-09/msg00129.html (7,332 bytes)

2. [VHFcontesting] WZ1V FN31mp 2m Sprint Score (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 07:44:38 -0400
Operated last 1.7 hours of the Sprint, 64/22 for 1,408. Best Dx to west VE3TFU EN92. Best Dx to south KG4ODX FM15 who was 59. C'ya Tuesday on 222. -73, Ron WZ1V ______________________________________
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2005-09/msg00159.html (6,738 bytes)

3. [VHFcontesting] WZ1V FN31mp 222 Sprint (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 07:50:07 -0400
Operated 2.75 hours of the Sprint, but the rate was so poor CT said only 1.3 hours. It's understandable to have a zero hour while watching NCIS, but while operating? Sure would be nice if you guys th
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2005-09/msg00185.html (6,775 bytes)

4. [VHFcontesting] 432 Sprint (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 08:33:46 -0400
After having tons of fun earlier this week working DX like N0PB EM39 on 432 and VE1HD FN95 on both 432 and 1296, the weird problem with my tower mounted relay box came back to haunt me just in time f
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2005-10/msg00024.html (7,229 bytes)

5. [VHFcontesting] January VHF SS Scores page (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 08:04:19 -0500
The January VHF SS Score Rumors webform is up at It's also linked from our contest page, Feel free to enter your breakdowns
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-01/msg00080.html (6,880 bytes)

6. [VHFcontesting] WZ1V 2m sprint (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 11:38:25 -0400
I'll be QRV the 1st and last hour of the Sprint only. The middle 2 hours of the Sprint are being pre-empted by all new episodes of NCIS and The Unit. Therefore I'll operate those hours this coming Mo
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-04/msg00012.html (7,199 bytes)

7. [VHFcontesting] correction WZ1V 2m sprint (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 11:44:06 -0400
I just got told I can't operate next Monday either because of basketballz, so maybe I'll forget the whole thing. -73, Ron WZ1V FN31 _______________________________________________ VHFcontesting maili
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-04/msg00013.html (6,446 bytes)

8. [VHFcontesting] WZ1V 2m Sprint (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 08:24:39 -0400
Against my better judgement that 2m Sprints should only take place on Monday nights, I operated most of it anyway (3.5 hrs, but CT reported 2.6 because the last hour was a big zero up until the last
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-04/msg00030.html (7,669 bytes)

9. Re: [VHFcontesting] Contest Tweaks? (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 07:37:56 -0400
Fred, Ev, others: my opinion sides with Ev's - maybe from a mountaintop multi perspective, the microwave points per QSO seem inflated. But ask a single-op in an average QTH trying to justify investin
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-04/msg00119.html (10,019 bytes)

10. Re: [VHFcontesting] Help with TS-60 Display Schematic-overlay (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 07:28:59 -0400
Mike - in that radio there are 4 "grain of wheat" submini bulbs, 2 strings of 2 in series. Electronic Goldmine has these for one. On the side of the display board with the VFO knob there's a TO-220 t
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-04/msg00156.html (9,270 bytes)

11. [VHFcontesting] 222 Sprint (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 09:40:46 -0400
Station here is 500W to a M2 222-5WL at 73'. (1023' asl) Worked 51 QSO's, 24 grids = 1,224. TNX to all who got on! Band condx only average vs. Tuesday night was enhanced along the coast. Worked 3 W8'
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-04/msg00157.html (6,990 bytes)

12. [VHFcontesting] 432 Sprint (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 07:55:02 -0400
I finally gave the new RFSport on-line logger a go. If you haven't tried this, my way of describing it is it's like using a networked logging program at a multiop, except instead of seeing what your
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-04/msg00189.html (7,318 bytes)

13. [VHFcontesting] Eastern Conference photos (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 14:09:05 -0400
Updated Eastern VHF/UHF Conference photo page, see -still looking for photos of Saturdays' dinner festivities, email me if you have some. Thanks again! -73, Ron WZ1
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-05/msg00003.html (7,168 bytes)

14. [VHFcontesting] 6m Sprint (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 10:27:22 -0400
Operated the last 2.5 hours of the Sprint - activity seemed pretty decent here. Didn't work any Es or M/S, but there some loud burns on both NG4C and KN4SM down in FM16. And K8TVD was loud from EN91.
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-05/msg00021.html (7,177 bytes)

15. [VHFcontesting] June VHF Scores page (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 07:32:34 -0400
The June VHF SS Score Rumors webform is up at It's also linked from our contest page, Feel free to enter your breakdowns or
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-06/msg00086.html (6,789 bytes)

16. [VHFcontesting] June Contest (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 08:41:31 -0400
ARRL June VHF QSO Party Call: WZ1V Class: Single Op HP QTH: FN31 Operating Time (hrs): 16 Summary: Band QSOs Mults -- 6: 372 138 2: 125 25 222: 48 17 432: 54 15 903: 24 14 1.2: 25 12 2.3: 3.4: 5.7: 1
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-06/msg00087.html (7,929 bytes)

17. Re: [VHFcontesting] Banning The Use Of 144.200 MHz During Contests (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 09:49:07 -0400
Jim and others, my thoughts about this: I don't hear any widespread "abuse" of 144.200 per se during contests here in New England. A couple questions to ponder: 1. Who's complaining about this (what
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-06/msg00158.html (11,339 bytes)

18. Re: [VHFcontesting] WZ1V email ? (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 13:53:52 -0400
Done. p.s received all 4 emails you sent FB so I think the links are ok. Thanks I appreciate your input. -73, Ron WZ1V for At 05:00 PM 6/22/2006, w
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-06/msg00232.html (7,705 bytes)

19. [VHFcontesting] contest robot offline? (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:53:44 -0400
I'm having no success with today. No auto-response of any kind. Has anyone had recent success submitting a log? -73, Ron WZ1V _______________________________________________ VHFconte
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-06/msg00294.html (6,469 bytes)

20. [VHFcontesting] August UHF Scores page (score: 1)
Author: Ron Klimas WZ1V <>
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 13:07:30 -0400
The August UHF Contest Score Rumors webform is up at It's also linked from our contest page, Feel free to enter your breakdo
/archives//html/VHFcontesting/2006-08/msg00032.html (6,756 bytes)

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