If you hit a dead end with WriteLog, try RoverLog. It works really well for Rovers. It handles scoring for new OR old Rover rules automatically if you enter more than one grid sent. You just use the
Folks, You can use RoverLog (It's not just for rovers!) to properly score the CQ WW VHF contest coming up. You can get RoverLog for free from http://www.2ub.org/roverlog/. Use the following .ini file
Folks, I've issued version 1_2_0 of my VHF/UHF/Microwave contest logging software RoverLog (It's not just for Rovers!) This version adds voice and CW keying as well as many other performance enhancem
Folks, N1MU/R will be roving for the contest this weekend. Here are our plans. All times are UTC. FN03 1800-1930 FN04 2030-2230 FN15 0230-0330 FN25 1100-1230 FN14 1600-1730 FN24 1800-2000 FN13 2230-0
Tom, Declination is the difference between the Magnetic and True North Poles and varies by location as you've noted. For a declination of 13 degrees West, the Magnetic Pole appears 13 degrees West of
Folks, To help with this very issue, RoverLog includes a Cabrillo 3.0 header editor, "logheaded3". Please use this utility to generate your blank log before the contest, and then operate using this l