Northern Tool ... usually ... has them in the stores, check first. Harbor Freight doesn't carry that part. The push up in the picture is the 20 flag pole from HF. I do not guy it. I also have a 50' R
A slightly better pic -- Mike Urich KA5CVH "My cars all run on recycled dinosaurs" PIO - D14 S/E - http://harrisco
OK, so I put the 3L yagi up Friday and worked K4N. Cool, no wait more that cool, I was excited, no wait ... I am still excited. But now I am considering building a moxon for the September contest and
Thanks, that confirms a part of what I presumed to be true. Just looking for a little confirmation. I was thinking about using 1/2 copper as well. I also found one made from small angle aluminum like
Personally I would not take a 3 element Yagi, roving. But a Moxon, I would take. I tend to agree that is why I am looking at the Moxon. I have the old CC A50-3S that works but looking to minimize the
At ~81" wide that makes it not all that much better than a full length element. It is an interesting design none the less. -- Mike Urich KA5CVH "My cars all run on recycled dinosaur
We thank you and the team sir. Friday morning I kept trying and trying with no answer. Talked to K5RK who was also trying who finally caught you mid morning. I went out and put together an old 3L yag
Mike laughes Suuuurrreeee go ahead and hang your dirty laundry out here and admit you goofed :-). I did something similar but not to that degree many years ago. Now whether field day or whatever I se
I was pleased to see the "Get on 902" headline on the current QST, but was disappointed that the article, helpful as it was concerned itself solely with FM operation. You have to start somewhere and
I do paper logging as a rover, so I end up using the WA7BNM Web2Cabrillo web page to create and submit the Cabrillo to the ARRL. Mike asks I just looked that up. I'm going send them an email and see
Has anyone done an update to the most wanted grids survey that was done a few years ago? The reason I'm asking is that my son is a programmer and I asked him how difficult it would be for users to en
I went to EL 79, during the June 2011 contest - which was well received. This year I went to EM 91, for the UHF contest. In a few years maybe I will go to FM 13? I dream about activating rare grids a
Mike asks How can you have a voting scheme if you are keeping old data? Without some type of a time stamp filter wouldn't that sway the results? And if you are going to filter the data with a time st
If you haven't yet visited the FFMA Yahoogroup, I invite you to do it. You can gain access to all the files and tools by becoming a member. I don't do yea-hoo groups. Yeah I hear the roar now that it
But, I would be in favor of (almost) anything that would increase activity. I would too however, all we need to do is have more people go turn the radios on and .... "get on the air". Now notice ...
Before I would try to move them up to higher bands I would first get them operating other modes. Making 100 q's on 50.125 would be a whole lot more exciting than 2 on 1290 FM Just sayin' http://ka5cv
I always try to point out that any signal is better than no signal, but I don't want the newby to be disappointed and grow too frustrated by poor results with minimal station equipment. For most of u
Just to prove that you could. Bob, KA5GLX, bought a MFJ 9406 & KB6KQ loop and got the VUCC on a contest week-end. Of course the band was hot at that time. -- Mike Urich KA5CVH "Wash
The 6 and 2-meter loops worked fine on the aluminum version of the same tubes. And on 6 meters when using a FT-100 you definately had to put a 4 turn, 6" rf choke at the feed point. -- Mike Urich KA5
Mike adds When I got my 6 meter KB6KQ loop the FT-100 showed high SWR and would only put out 10 watts. Called Norm, took like three tries to get him, and go what gives. When I said FT100, he goes ahh