Sounds like some of us want the inverse of the 703, a "709". No HF, but would have 6m, 2m, 432... maybe it would be a "cheap" radio then? Would that make room for 220 or 1296 or maybe 900? Oops, that
Enclosed are my comments on the various thoughts now circulating on VHF contests. Since the comments are lengthy, I will break them into a multi-part approach, with a new part popping onto the reflec
Part II ? Implications drawn from regulatory and technological impacts. As a result of the regulatory and technological items cited in my first post on the topic, the reduced log activity that we now
Part III ? Comments on Specific Problems and Proposals of VHF Contesting. Here are a few of my thoughts concerning some specific proposals that I have read about to date. ?De facto? microwave contest
I will be operating QRP portable in the June VHF on 6 to 432. I might be able to make a SSB / CW contact with anyone within 300 miles of St. Louis. I am available for skeds on saturday and Sunday nig
Part III ? Addendum to Rover comments. I appreciate all of the thought provoking comments regarding the rovers. The response to my one paragraph comment on the rovers is getting to be a very interest
Part V - The Development of a SMSA hit-list, and the cultivation of new clubs. I know that the League provides some levels of support to their affiliated clubs. But what about the League itself simpl
Part VI ? Additional Proposals and Conclusion. Here are some more ideas regarding the clubs. The addition of club participation in the June VHF QSO Party. I am been informed that the club competition
It is not too early to start planning for the June VHF Contest. I will be running will be running the June VHF QSO Party on June 14-16, 2003, as QRP / SO Portable, with the call sign of W9GKA in EM58
The following is an outline summary of my comments that I have now e-mailed to the committee. In General: First, the proposals will not change the technological and regulatory reasons that have produ
I am writing an article on QRP contesting. For that article, I have compiled an excel spreadsheet containing all QRP line scores in the ARRL contests going back to 1986. The spreadsheet contains 1300
I have recently finished an extensive article on causative impacts in the large swings of VHF contest log entries. Items discussed include: information on general participation levels; the impact fro
I read with interest your ?quasi history? of rovers. It is generally consistent with a more detailed historical review of VHF activities, including VHF contest rules revisions, that I have written fo
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I am researching the first contest contacts on the VHF / UHF bands. Does anyone know of any band activity in the VHF contests earlier than the following dates? If so, call signs / sections of operati
Thank you for the comments and corrections to the list I put on the reflector last week regarding early VHF contacts. Does anyone know of any 119G contact made in any VHF contest? I have confirmed th
Please note the following new and updated items available at the SMC VHF web-page. ?Early Contacts? is a new article written on the historical development of all VHF / UHF / SHF bands. The earliest a
Does anyone know where I can obtain information on the number of US amateur licensees from 1948 to 1983? I am looking for US state and territorial totals for all operators classes (Novice, Tech, Gene
Bald Knob, at Alto Pass, Illinois, is a great spot in EM57, and is one of the highest spots for a hundred miles or more in any direction. AA9D did indeed have tremendous signal from that location. Th
I am compiling statistical data on the CQ VHF contest (total log entries, number of log entries in each category, etc). I am in the need of results on the following contests. If anyone has these resu