(f) No station may transmit with a transmitter power exceeding 50 W PEP on the UHF 70 cm band from an area specified in footnote US7 to §2.106 of the FCC Rules, unless expressly authorized by the FCC
Everything I've read about phasing two 50 ohm yagis with 75 ohm cable stipulates equal, odd multiples of a quarter wavelength at the desired frequency. Both feed points should face the same direction
The newest beta (2.0.16) supposedly fixes (or at least significantly improves) CW performance from what I've seen on the Flex lists. I don't operate CW so I have no first-hand experience with it othe
Also important to note is that FMN operation with any of the Flex radios is severely crippled and that it won't be fixed until version 2.1 of the software (2.0 has been beta for almost a year and sti
Made it to 4 this week -- thanks to K1WHS, WZ1V, N1DPM and K1PXE. Glad to have the beam up on the roof and rotating, and perhaps next week I'll be up to about 100 watts. Regards, Dave K1FSY _________
Also had a better week than expected, added FT8 to the mix and got over half of the seven contacts digitally. Heard a couple of others as well. N1SV FN42 FT8 WZ2V FN31 SSB K1WHS FN43 SSB K1PXE FN31 C
I was present for most of the evening working SSB and FT8. Finished with 47 Q's and 16 grids. A near tie for furthest contact between VE3WY in FN04 and K5VIP in FM16 at just shy of 400 miles each. I
Ended a somewhat frustrating evening at around 10pm with 11 Q's in 7 grids. Started out with a little more than 20dB of additional noise across the band (guess the RX isn't dead in the xverter) until
Hi Roger, I was just playing with the settings, and I noted that in the wide graph window, the TX bandwidth increases when you lower the T/R time. It doubles in width between the default 30s and 15s
Five in the log tonight, but called it quits fairly early. Seemed like there was more qsb than usual. Thinking about putting together a new antenna and getting it a little higher up than the current
K1FSY 222 report for 5/9/2023 Put up a new 16 element K1FO beam from directive systems about 3 or 4 feet higher than the 222-10EZ it replaced. Seems to work OK, no worse than before, time will tell.