Hi Jeff, I have a Tri-Ex H-354, from an SK estate. With the tower was a permanent gin-pole, 20' of 3" galv pipe and a socket welded to a 3" x 3" angle which I included in the concrete bolt pattern fo
Hi Carsten Assuming you have the circuit diagram for the tuning unit, C1, C2, C4 - 110 mmf vacuum variable. C3 - 750 mmf vacuum variable. C5 - 150 mmf air variable. C6, C7 - 0.0011 mf 5 kv micas Sang
Before rebuilding the fence, have you considered detuning the structure with a linear resonator? Practical examples are discussed in Moxon's 'HF Antennas for all Locations' - see page 163 73 and good
Hi Barrie I bought a 3rd-hand Triex H354 2 years ago. Apart from routine maintenance - new raising cable, sheaves, re-galvanise base and rotator plates etc. all OK. Antenna is Force 12 C3, rotator Ha
K7GCO's methods have worked fine for me, even with poor quality PL-259s - sometimes you have to use whatever's available. To make the job easier, (I use a 60 watt iron, large chisel bit), quickly tin
An article "Americanizing the German Quad" appeared in a 70's issue of "73 Magazine" and used an open stub to achieve a reasonable match to open wire line for 80 through 10 for a full wave horizontal
Hi Steve, Can't help you with a distributor or even a manufacturer, but my best homebrew 4:1 baluns have been those recommended by Roy Lewallen W7EL - see the ARRL Antenna Compendium #1, "Baluns: Wha
Hi All, Duz-All works fine, as does hydrochloric acid (swimming pool stuff), but both are more expensive and somewhat more hazardous than 'raw lemon' - just push the copper wire into a lemon - very t
Bill, you're correct in the sense that many are likely to give up the hobby but even if they live in an area where towers are permited the neighbours will have computers and TVs that emit so much RF
MANY modes are open and which one(s) being used, may not be determinable or selectable unless both ends have an antenna with a very narrow vertical aperture. Guy.< I wonder if Guy's observation begs
Hi All, I believe N6RK has posted in the past his use of latching relays to band switch a LF vertical - perhaps close to what PA4N is thinking of doing? Getting power out to a relay like that is pret
The manual for the RCA AT3 transmitter (1943) recommended a solution of anhydrous lanolin dissolved in white spirit to lubricate the roller carriage on roller inductors - apply sparingly. I've had ex
Pat wrote :- suspected a power pole having/ being a noise source, and at night, smacked it with a hammer at about 4 ft above ground, and saw a huge number of small sparks all over the pole, repeated
Hi Mike, Been there, done that with a "Ditch Witch" cutting a trench for a phone cable - serious mistake because it took about three days to recover from the shoulder pain, and I laid the phone cable
The RCA manual for their AT3 transmitter (WW2) recommended a mixture of anhydrous lanolin and carbon tetrachloride as a lubricant for the roller carriages. I still have some anhydrous lanolin but ca
conductive. Roller? One drop of WD-40, or PB Blaster. Don't spray and don't get on anything else. However there is a wiper for the coil itself (not the roller) that might need attention. I'd try a l