I have no idea of what the towers and antennas are in this installation, except there seems to be more than one and there will be monoband Yagis installed. I've already stated that I think OWL is a m
Then you spend the money and/or turn up the wick. On 5/17/2022 12:09 PM, Jim Brown wrote: On 5/17/2022 11:54 AM, Wes wrote: The cost is about 40% less ($2.30/ft at Tessco) and the loss is only 1.7 dB
I never said to buy from them. I was just looking for comparison prices and specs and they came up first in a search. I don't have a dog in this hunt. I do have an unused hundred foot coil of Bury
The future of DXpeditions FT8 and https://ncdxc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/IDXC2021-15May-07-RIB.pdf Or as I would put it, DXing RIP. On 5/18/2022 11:45 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote: Given how much
I've been using (and once upon a time beta testing) Dan's programs for years. I'm still running the same MS Office 2000. I don't even know how to run later versions. Wes N7WS On 7/29/2022 10:05 AM
Leeson's workbooks are Lotus 1-2-3. Libraoffice will open them directly as will older versions of Excel. Once opened in an older Excel it can be saved as an .xls. Wes N7WS John KK9A Messages sorted
I lasted about 16 seconds. Wes N7WS Jim W7RY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtMPq2lG-8U 73, Jon Pearl - W4ABC _______________________________________________ _______________________________________
Leeson in "Physical Design of Yagi Antennas" says on page 4-39, "A common failure is in the tip section. This process can be prevented by adding damping to the resonance of the tip section, typicall
Well, if you're not starting fires, you need to QRO. Wes N7WS On 10/4/2022 7:25 PM, Jim Brown wrote: On 10/4/2022 6:13 PM, Keith Dutson wrote: You already sound like an expert. So, the obvious qu
I have folder on my hard drive called "Severns." In it, I have almost every antenna article Rudy has written. I say "almost" because he is a prolific experimenter and writer and it's hard to keep
One-hundred percent agree. Wes N7WS On 11/20/2022 1:46 AM, Jim Brown wrote: Dan's contributions to understanding antennas, transmission lines, and optimizing designs are momentous. AutoEZ is the onl
I agree although you might want to remove any matching devices. In my case, I shorten the loading wire on my inverted-L to add capacitive reactance and then shunt the feedpoint with an inductor. I g
Same here. I worked on Phoenix, AMRAAM, Standard and others. We torqued and were done with it. We used to shock and shake the bejesus out of this hardware. Other things broke but I don't recall any
I have no personal experience with The Wireman products. That said, a W2DU type balun is entirely appropriate for your application. Wes N7WS On 12/23/2022 5:35 PM, Richard Smith wrote: I'm looking
https://www.onallbands.com/baluns-and-common-mode-impedance-how-much-is-enough/ On 12/26/2022 5:53 PM, Richard Smith wrote: I can see that my initial request included far too few details. Thanks for
I have no opinion or knowledge about this, but if you have any type of impedance analyzer, why not just take another connector and slather the stuff on and measure it? Wes N7WS I started checking my
This might be of interest: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w5u2m0qvuwjs0i3vlwdsf/Plating.pdf?rlkey=n99dlrd2joh5548drtczvtsks&dl=0 Wes N7WS _______________________________________________ ____________
Back in the last century I was the responsible engineer on the redesigned solid-state power amplifier for the Phoenix Missile. We were really pushing the state of the art with the design. Operating
If he's calling CQ then answer him, and then answer him again, and again... Wes N7WS On 4/9/2024 1:11 PM, Mike Ryan wrote: Gentlemen, Please excuse the detraction from tower / antenna related affair