Jeff Ach (Green Heron) is great guy to talk to and deal with too. John Wa5zup design engineer could love) and the equally terrible documentation. It always takes one or two calls to the factory to ge
This might be pretty silly answer, but here goes. Have you tried unplugging the usb cable, rebooting the computer, no other software running, and trying again? That has happened to me before. Obvious
I have a LM34HD rotor plate I am trying to figure out how it fits. On the plate I have, the dog ears (rods) ride high on the cross braces. They don?t fit into the v grooves between brace and the leg.
Check out the Telepost Inc. LP-100A digital Wattmeter. It has user settable SWR alarm points that will open a PTT line to the amplifier. I think the Array Solutions version does this also, not sure.
hot-dipped galvanized and used 6 husky U-bolts to hold the mast. End of mast problems. $160.00 + s/h."< Just a question I saw the pictures of the LXC mast clamp. Very heavy duty indeed. What I did n
"I do not expect the heating factor to be involved if the proper cable materials are utilized, inherent in a quality cable, and if the rated min. bend radius is adhered to." What is the bending radiu
What is wrong with this picture? Good ole Skip needs to turn his radio off and take that antenna down before more damage is done! It was a boot failure. Which means, more than likely, that rest of th
I went through the exact same thing with this guy last year. I wasted a month with phone calls and e-mails trying to get any information out of him. I wanted a building permit in hand before I ordere
I have the DX Engineering version. Stainless steel outside box, and silver/teflon UHF connectors. The box is seamless and pretty heavy. Wish they offered an N connector version. The Array Solutions R
I have the exact same crimper. I have crimped Bury-Flex and 9913F7. 9913F7 is real close to the same thing as the Bury-Flex (stranded center conductor), has a different type of outer jacket. You did
Oops--sorry I missed the RFU-507-SI part number in your post. Here is one thing I found. If you use dikes(sp?) to cut the cable/center conductor, it flares out the center strands a little, makes it r
The adjustable ramp up and ramp down feature is just great.Less Bang for the buck in this case :) Simple change to make it work with any rotor ______________________> > > > __________________________
Last year at this time I paid $1540 for a LM-354HD SP (motorized) with all the goodies, shipping receipt said 1400 pounds total, from CA to NM. The LM-470 weighs more, and fuel costs what they are no
I got a quote from Hilti for the 5/8" driver. I can not find it at the moment. If I remember correctly it was around $80. I rented a Hilti hammer drill and the adaptor for a little over $60. The trip PartNo=DXE-UT-80P Hi Richard! As a rookie, I am always on the lookout to make this part of the hobby quicker, easier and m
I replaced mine with a DX Engineering DXE-BAL050-H10-A. Substantial more heft than the original.> From:> To:;> Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 22:29
I just can not help myself. We do not even need to start the SteppIR debate. It will take off in a direction that will get away from the fundamental issue. That is way way too much antenna for that t
US Tower--What model? At first thought that seems a little much (load) at the top of the mast What model shorty forty? I have a 21' mast(5' inside the tower), 4el SteppIR 1' or so above the top plate
I suspect that you have a bad reed switch in the rotor. M2 sells them for $25. I am pretty sure you can not replace it on the tower, I might be wrong. Getting the rotor out and down to replace it wil
I agree on the urban legend. I used a single cable on mine. 2c/#12 and 2c/#18 shielded in one cable. It is the same as the pigtail that comes out of the rotor (recent). The Wireman sells it. It has w