Hello Friends! The next planned improvement at W5WZ is an 80-meter 4-square. It appears the most cost-effective option is to build it with wire vertical elements suspended from ropes off Tower 1 (cur
I see the owner's manual suggests 18 ga wire will work up to 400 for single motor and 300 ft for 2nd and 3rd motors. Does real world experience agree with this, or should I upsize the wire for good m
My recently installed shunt feed for 80 meters worked so well in the CQ WW contest (60 countries, 22 zones from northeast Louisiana) that I now want to build one for 160 meters on the same tower to u
I recently picked up a KLM Big Stick 6-element 15 meter antenna with a 40' boom. Has anyone converted one of these to an OWA design? What were the results? Would you share what you did? --Scott, W5WZ
My back yard is a working area - I'm a home builder, and have tractors, trailers, etc and must drive thru the yard frequently. I did not think that laying radials on the surface was a good idea for m
I used the bare wire for my shunt wire on my tower for 80 meters. It is very stiff, so it is only anchored at the top (about 35 feet high) and at the bottom (about 2 feet high). I used a short piece
Bud, I have a stack of two C51XRs with a C31XR in the middle, effectively giving me a three-high stack of C31XRs. I feed each band with a separate feed line. Consequently there are 11 feed lines goin
Aggregate concrete (in our market more commonly called "washed concrete") is simply regular concrete that is finished differently. Instead of using trowels to get the smooth surface, at that point in
I used the W8JI design for my beverage receive antenna system. Built all my own pieces from the info at https://www.w8ji.com/beverages.htm See the section on transformers 73-mix FairRite Products 287
I have a 3-element Mosley antenna that I'm having trouble identifying from the specs listed on the Mosley website. Any ideas? Boom length: 14 feet (2-piece boom, in 7 foot sections) Boom diameter: 1.
I have need to access a feed point on a 4" diameter boom, about 10 feet away from the tower. I know I can "PVRC mount" to tilt and rotate it close to the tower, but this antenna is a monster - Force
Kurt, I have three-high stack of Force 12s: C-51XR, C-31XR, C-51XR. The C-51XR's are C-31XR's on a 51 ft boom, with a 2-element LL 40m at the rear of the boom. I do feed all of my bands with a separa
The SWR minimum on my lowest Force 12 EF-240 has shifted from ~7.16 MHz down to about 6.7 MHz. However, the curve appears very similar to measurements taken and archived in 2015; it's just that it sh
My TIC RING 1022E recently began operating intermittently (the day before CQ WW CW). Control box is TIC RING. I went up the tower before the contest thinking it might have been a gear mesh issue, but
The 15 meter section of one of my ICE 419B units failed during 2020 January NAQP SSB. I began searching for a schematic, or a list of part numbers, or a list of part values. My search was mostly in v
FOLLOW-UP and AFTER-ACTION REPORT: The intermittent rotation has continued to come and go, until mid-April, when it again ceased working at 24 degrees. It seemed to always follow either a rain and/or
Wanted OWA design for 12-meters 20 to 23.5 foot boom 5 or 6 elements Plan to install at 45 feet above ground _______________________________________________ __________________________________________
Mark, I am pleased with VIVO Dual LCD Monitor Vertical Desk Stands. They have a couple of varieties for both vertically stacked and horizontal side-by-side configurations. They also have three mounti
1. I'm in need of a schematic for the Tic Ring controller model 2100C 2. Mid-summer 2020, I replaced the pot with a DXE-TICGEN-POT, and everything worked fine until Hurricane Laura blew in with 85mph
Ah-Ha! FINALLY SOLVED!!! Ultimately, there were 2 problems, both inside the single motor. 1. The set screw in the gear on the pot shaft was slipping on the shaft. Solution - used a Dremmel tool to gr