When I had a new input circuit and service box input, no rods were used, as against code. The grounding was a multipart, thos each wire large, from the box out of the house folowing the conduir, then
From what I have read, the use of the reflector makes the ground part much better. There are a few site that explain this. Search on NVIS. Does EZNEC use a perfect ground? What will your ground be? I
From what I understand the "screwdriver" antenna uses the portable screwdriver. The circuit should be the same as needed for caps. I have not found the circuit with the limit switches but if it works
So, all we are doing is using more sofisticated methods to arrive closer to what some think is the correct. (The reason that I say such is that I have read discussions on the correctness and refining
I have seen guy stays placed at a slight angle away from the tower and another guy (or extention of the guy) down at a sharp angle. Now would this arrangement be OK? Chris opr VE7HCB
Is the MFJ the only analyzer or is it just superior? What other measuring devices can be used if the budget does not support the MFJ269 plus stuff. (Close to CA$800 landed) (Or close to 3/4 gross mo
I based the price on a price from MFJ catalogue and a quick calculation by thumb. Most of the hams here just double the US cost for approximate landed cost. I shall do one a little more carefully. Fr
One thing for Canucks to never allow to happen, U P S spell it b-r-o-w-n. They put things through there own brokerage custom houses, demand outrages payments even after you correct them. Better to go
I kinda like the ideas presented. This maybe the more precise one though more difficult. The measurements can be taken and insrted into a program. Jim: You mention a "... RS232 DVM, an RS232 controll
Frank: Sorry, I am not able to do too much DX hence am not sure where you are, 9Y and TT seem to say Trinadad and Tobago. Almost went there with a couple of university chums for Mardi Gras. That was
Maybe cynical, BUT, remember insurance companies are not in the business to give you money, they are there to collect premiums. I have seen too much of how the company spends a gread deal of effort t
I started trying todo this for my area by using a spreadsheet and its graphing possiblilites. I drowned in it. Now what you people are saying it is much easier. Are there topo maps of Canada availbal
Is there not a natural waxing and waning of these things? The next upswing may not be exactly the same, as technology, people etc change. However, there will be something that will move in to take Da
Dan: Make sure that you have data for the seasons as well, including wet and snow. I have noticed a lot of difference on attenuation, reflection and difraction with the seasons. We attributed such to
I guess it depends upon what you are doing, selling or buying. But if the hobby is dieing, less people comming into it, who is buying all this stuff at high prices? Is it not illegal to have ham equi
And now B Bush wants Canucks to carry a passport as we harborded terrorists (nothing about who trained them) I think that many Canucks will not go south because of cost and passport. Chris opr VE7HCB
If memory serves me correctly, aluminum use to be very expensive, and, that it was placed somewhere on a building in the US as such. However, with the advent of cheap hydroelectric power, the refinin
OK. I asked awhile ago, receiving no definitive answer, "When does a mast become a tower, and, vice versa?". If I were on any committee and someone came up with "antenna support structure" I would im