Fortunately, our county ordinances are still based upon this having been an agricultural area (until about 15 or 20 years ago). My house is on 9 acres in the unincorporated area of the county that ar
I've been using Intermatic EG240RC's installed after the main breakers. They have LED's to indicate if they are working (one for each leg). The two units were installed in 1993 and, along with the pl
I'm about to order concrete for a tower base. The concrete company offers fiber reinforcement mixed into the concrete for about $10 per cubic yard. I've researched concrete fiber and found nothing on
Thanks to everyone for their comments and experiences. I decided to not use the fiber because of lightning concerns. My tower base is a welded rebar cage (Tri-Ex LM-354HDSP), so the base will act as
I spent a month in the southern end of Dade County (now Miami-Dade County) after Andrew hit (this was the "ground zero"). The only tower I remember still standing was an approximately 150' guyed towe
Actually, Jesus provides some excellent advice that is relevant to TowerTalk: "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough mone
I am replacing the motor on a Tri-Ex LM-354HDSP and found that both the new and old motors give the information you are looking for on the information plate. When the motors are mounted, the plate is
I need the element dimensions for a Cuschraft ASL2010 (just the two dimensions from Figure B in the manual that represent the overall half-element length and the tip length). The pdf manual on Cushcr
Does anyone have a copy of the manual, including schematic, for the G-2700? I found the G-2800 online, but can't find the G-2700. Tnx Doug K4DDR _______________________________________________ See: h
I'm looking for 3 mast/pipe clamps for mounting 2" pipe on 2" pipe. (The clamps I am looking for are the kind that have four v plates that mount on two bolts something like this: <o><o>) They don't n
Pros: 1) Clean profile as opposed to a guyed tower (a big plus for the XYL) 2) Can crank down before bad weather (better survival chances for antennas at 20' instead of 60') 3) If the base allows it,
Go to eBay's Business and Industrial category and search for DBI. There are several for sale there now. They typically go for around $50. Since it is a critical piece of safety equipment, I would hol
Hutton is closing out their Amphenol N bulkhead connectors (Amphenol part number 82-66) for $5.08 each. If you need any, this is a great price. (List price at various distributors is around $25.00) h
I can send you a picture of one! I've got to replace the pull-down cable on my Tri-Ex LM354HDSP. I bought the tower used; it had been up for around 5 years in South Florida. Interestingly, the pull-u
That's an interesting question. Somewhere in the archives is a tale from someone who replaced 3/16" wire rope with 1/4" wire rope and had a failure within a couple years. In researching his failure,
The manual online at Cushcraft is low resolution and I cannot make out all of the dimensions in Figure B. Does anybody have a clear copy that they can confirm some measurements for me please? Tnx, Do
I've got a CushCraft D40 rotatable dipole mounted on my tower's mast. At present, the tower is laying over horizontally. The D40 is about 6' off the ground. It is resonant at about 7035 with about 22
First, thanks to all, especially Gene AD3F, for the info on the CushCraft D40. FYI, with the D40 set for 7100, the resonant frequency at 8' was 6868, 22' was 7068, and 65' was 7100. I have a Yaesu G1
Thanks once again to everyone that responded with suggestions! I climbed the tower and took apart the connector on the rotator. The boot had a few drops of water in it- quite a bit since we haven't h
I would be very concerned about using 2" diameter sheaves for 1/4" wire rope. It's been a little while since I researched it, but I believe the minimum recommended size is around 4.5" or 5" for 1/4"