I have obtained HF2V with 160 and 30 meter option after moving to this new location and ready to put up in the city lot. If buried radials, the max length I can stretch is probably 30 feet in limited
Thanks for the great input. After reading 160 raised / tuned radial project files, I was moving toward the 1/4 wave radials above ground. I will see how much wires I can bury in my backyard. Fortunat
Gary, thanks. I have been receiving responses from many people - all agreed that short is OK, bury as many as I can. GROUP, THANKS FOR MANY FEEDBACKS ! 73 OM de Jon NN5T If on or in the ground 24 or
A bit off the topic, but - I don't think have seen any discussion in the subject -- ground radials. I have Butternut HF2V (with 160/30 options) and placed approx 12 x 15' ground screen around the ver
Just be aware of the radiation patterns. When I had 1/4 WL Inv L (65' vertical section), I was unable to obtain low V.S.W.R. since expected radiation resistance was 12 ~ 15Ohms and required to use an
Thanks for many inputs. During the contest, I am running 100Watts. In my area, most homes are subscribing AT&T U-verse. Initially I was resetting my U-verse modem when TX on low bands even with 50Wat
http://k9yc.com/160MPacificon.pdf Great tutorial, Jim. May I ask for additional comment to On-Ground Radial Guidelines - Don't use radials longer than the vertical height of your antenna I was going
Gary, I had a similar condition to my 160 inv. L. Assuming no antenna performance improvement, but I added 1:2 Balun (25 to 50 ohms - UnUn) at the feeding point. Antenna V.S.W.R. seen from the shack
I had a similar setup A50-3S 5 feet above A-3S. Turn the 6m Yagi 45 degrees off the HF tribander. de NN5T Jon _______________________________________________ _________________________________________