Jan, you can run cable to a rotor at ANY distance you chose. You simply have to know the demands of the rotor, and then match the size of wire to it. Before you chose the rotor, be sure that full spe
Pat, all of the conditions you cite contribute to increased loss, since all of them affect the velocity factor and characteristic impedance. Moist dielectric becomes conductive as well as changed in
Hello Dan, Basically, your coax, straight or mixed, is just like a hose - the "gozinta" minus "friction" equals the "gozouta," and the various impediments are just part of the whole. The mismatch of
I guess I didn't do too well in trying to stay within the two ends of the coax, and I apologize. I hope I caused no harm. Robert, I'm not qualified to argue very deeply at the theoretical level here.
Those "spikey things" keep cropping up, with an occasional reference to us, so we can't pass up the opportunity to toot the horn once again about the "Porcupine" static dissipator which we have sold
I respectfully disagree, Dick - the sharp point helps dissipate and lower the risk of a strike. Blunt points grounded with VERY heavy conductors like seen on power comany switch/breaker stations are
Dennis, we supply quite a bit of our #534, which is 26 AWG hdpe jacketed 19 strand copper clad steel for kite and balloon antenna tether material, in addition to its use as a low profile "stealth" an
Another happy testimony for the dissipation theory, and illustration of the ball, or round surface as pn top pf Tesla and Van de Graf demos. One dissipates, the other gathers over its entire surface
Try Allen Bond, at mgs@avana.net 73 Press Jones, N8UG, The Wireman, Inc., Landrum, SC, 29356 Sales(800)727-WIRE(9473) or cqwire@juno.com. Tech help (864)895-4195 or n8ug@juno.com www.thewireman.com O
I use the High Sierra, and have for several years with nothing but pleasure, from over 40 states as we wander the country on business. The company is run by Bob Cobler, who is highly quality motivate
Barry, perhaps you ought to try a static dissipator at the top of the tower. If the noise lessens, you can assay your risk conditions there and consider additional units. If interested, we will forwa
Best thing I've seen in years is the "SOLDER IT" butane gear - not only the best pencil by far, but the little "Pistol" style is the handiest thing you could carry on a tower top. Their solder works
Ernesto, RG19 is a large(1.12" OD) 52 ohm coax, bare copper braid shield, 0.250" solid bare copper center conductor, Polyethylene dielectric and PVC IIA jacket. It has 29.6 pf/ft capacitance, max los
Simple, Joe - The best all around antenna wire is, and has been, solid, 30% copperclad steel. It has the right combination of tensile strength and copper /steel ratio for long life and excellent sign
Now that the big recent flurry of beverage antennas has died down, we have come across a bunch of wire that might be interesting. Oh well! This is various lots of 18, 16, and 14 gauge stranded bare c
Responding to some general questions about the post yesterday which follows these numbered items : 1. The color of jacket in any given reel will most likely be the same throughout, but there is no gu
Hi Kevin, Any amount of water in the coax will cause the problem you see and potentially others as well as the condition worsens. I urge you to replace the coax immediately before you damage your equ
Interesting post, Dick - we don't often hear of the level of damage you and the other respondents report from burying coax. We welcome the stories, however, since they emphasize the problems inherent
After all the postings on the subject, the last about a simple inductor in series with tip and ring inspires me to mention our product have used for years when they came out to your house or place of
This is an item we don't handle - anyone know a source? We'll be happy to pass the query on if a dealer responds. " CAVITY FILTER VHF - COMMERSIL BAND FREQ. 130 - 174 MHZ (WACOM PRODUCTS)." ( descrip