Michael: This is not surprising, remember that ads are usually placed two months before being printed. 73/Mike, N7ML I just received my September issue of CQ Contest...the X9 ad on page 5 still says
-- From: Jim Reid[SMTP:jreid@aloha.net] Sent: Monday, August 10, 1998 2:28 PM To: Dick Green; K7LXC@aol.com; Brian.Harris@sv.sc.philips.com; towertalk@contesting.com Subject: [TowerTalk] Was "antenna
Hello Dick and all: I have for years used a very large black (for Uv) plastic garbage can to catch the coax from my 89 foot US Tower crank up tower. I am always careful to place the cover over the to
So what SFI do we need to support F2 on six meters in the northern latitudes?? 73/Mike Have a look at: http://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/images/latest_sxt.gif That North Central bunch of bright x-rays is
I think the answer is: When Rohn designed these towers they probably were looking exclusively at the "two-way" market, which in those long-ago days meant some kind of omni-whip or simple derivative.
-- From: Kurt Andress[SMTP:ni6w@yagistress.minden.nv.us] Sent: Friday, August 14, 1998 1:38 AM To: Michael Lamb Cc: towertalk Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Guyed tower stuff Thanks Kurt: I would much rath
Bill: I think your tower is the same one I used about 10 years ago in the Seattle area. I simply laid two 2X4's parallel to the pitch of the roof one on each side of the peak. I had the two 2X4's bol
I have yet to see one dead bird under any of my three towers, but they are sure a nice roost for them. Like you say Jim, I think it is just another ploy for people wanting to restrict our lives. Who
George, Check out the AEA/Tempo Research Corp. site at www.aea-wireless.com and then click on articles. It will tell you all about the IsoPole antenna design for VHF and UHF. 73/Mike, N7ML Hi, I was
Just thought someone might be interested in what I discovered with my C3D antennas yesterday. I have had problems with my C3D stack on 10 meters since I installed them three years ago. They were all
Pat, I have been using the "banana peel" method of attaching a UHF barrel to 3/4 inch 75 ohm CATV cable for about 25 years now. I started by simply taping over the splice and putting a stainless hose
David: A few years ago I put up a stack of six triband yagis on a rotating 190 foot Rohn 55G tower. For the next 18 months or so I got a big thrill out of playing DXpedition working Europeans hour af
Ed: You can use the new AEA CIA-HF to determine the characteristic impedance of any feedline you like, so long as it is between about 10 and 1000 ohms. All it takes is a 1k pot on the end of the unkn
Pat, I have been using the "banana peel" method of attaching a UHF barrel to 3/4 inch 75 ohm CATV cable for about 25 years now. I started by simply taping over the splice and putting a stainless hose
Johan: you may want to check out the new CIA-HF Complex Impedance Analyzer by AEA. It is described on their web page at:" www.aea-wireless.com ". The CIA-HF does have an LCD display that is graphical
Dick: Right you are about the AEA CIA-HF Complex Impedance Analyzer, it uses a DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) that is not only STABLE, but the absolute accuracy is very good as well. The BIGGEST ad
Here is another application for the AEA graphical Complex Impedance Analyzer that is described in their manual. You can not only find the resonant frequency of your traps, you can also see the relati
Hello Ian: I have a few comments on your recent thoughts: Maybe we're being spoiled by these modern slow-tuning transceivers. It's perfectly possible to set the 259 to 10kHz at 7MHz, which is closer
Hello All: I am sorry, but I think I have come into this thread at a late date, but I wanted to weigh in anyway. I have played the stacking game for many years, especially on VHF. I started using the
Mega Dittos Guy! 73/Mike, N7ML Well, not as a really noticeable change in antenna system gain. However... A major improvement may be gained in front-to-back and front-to-side, which in the receiving