I have several UST crankup towers. As they extend, all sections extend proportionally. Do some other brands of towers extend each section completely before the next section extends? That would sure m
Wayne: There were no photos with this post and I do not know if you have found what you are looking for. If not, I saw a simple answer to your problem on the internet somewhere a couple of months ago
I have been using baler belting in a similar manner with my G1000SDX. It is available at farm stores by the foot and is very reasonable. I paid a dollar a foot or so 12 years ago at a nearby farm sto
I have built and measured many of Jims line chokes. I like those wound on the 2.4 cores with small Teflon wire like RG142. This will handle considerably more power than the legal limit easily and you
We all owe a debt of gratitude to K9YC for all of the work he has done and provided to us on many topics as well as ferrite chokes. He did an excellent analysis of the heat problem in line chokes in
Dick: I have 3 towers with a number of coaxes and rotator cables. I support the cables with small nylon cord connected to each cable with several half hitches and small Tywraps between the half hitch
K7LXC: Can you do something about KI4M and K8ZJC using our reflector to hawk this PONZI scheme? I reported the first posting to our Better Business Bureau and they agree it is that type of operation.
Rob, you do not seem to be getting any help so I will give you some suggestions. 1. Get the Fair Rite catalog at http://www.fair-rite.com/cgibin/catalog.pgm#select:freq1 2. Select suppression, then c
My Times Wire and Cable catalog shows a power rating of 9kw for 142 and 11.5 kw for 143 at 10mhz . The ratings are less at 50mhz, 3.5kw and 4.6kw. I have been using 142 on legal limit chokes for seve
George: I have a TX472 and have replaced the cables on it as described on our club website www.sdxa.org under Articles. I believe your question can be answered by a verbal description of the cable li
Jeff: I laid coax on the ground and had vinal damage from critter, I think gopher. Taped over that and pulled it thru some old water hose. No damage for several years but have to move it when I mow,
OOPS that is vinyl of course. Should read before sending, Dan -- Dan Hearn N5AR _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list
Here is a link to a web site with a table of data for solenoid chokes. Unfortunately the impedances measured are for a choke alone and not for one installed where there is coupling to the coax on eac
Here is a system which works for me and others in our ham club. Look in the newspaper for the times of sun up and sun down. Calculate the hours and minutes between. Divide this by 2 and that is the t
Wayne: I have converted 4 HyTowers to broaden their bandwidth. I extended the stinger with 2 inch tubing added to the bottom of the present one. I also connected the extension to the top of the tower
Dan, N5AR -- Dan Hearn N5AR _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com
Artical in the Antenna Compendium Vol. 2 written by W5AH who worked for the company that sold them. He is a regular on TT. It switched in various lengths of feed line plus a RF transformer to get 180
Information here on this type of antennas http://www.g0ksc.co.uk/2013-yagis.html . A group of members of our Spokane DX Association built the loop DE version and confirmed the performance claimed by
I asked one of the guys in our 6m LFA experiment team about their results. Here is the answer I received. "Dan, We pretty much concluded that the gain of the LFA antenna was 1db over a Cushcraft 6 me
Triband Yagis also suffer due to losses in their traps as do trapped verticals. A 1/4 wave vertical with a good radial system is hard to beat as a simple DX antenna. There are trapless multiband Yagi