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Total 25 documents matching your query.

1. [TowerTalk] Tower survey...Saber? (score: 1)
Author: "Sig Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 10:59:33 +0000
snip With the news that Rohn is in trouble comes the possibility that those of us who have been using Rohn towers exclusively might have to try something new in the future. But what would that be? Ha
/archives//html/Towertalk/2003-09/msg00613.html (7,441 bytes)

2. [TowerTalk] FORCE 12 C-4 Manual (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:19:22 +0000
Hello all, I just got a message relayed via email from W3CF/V25C. He arrived on V2 yesterday, and has found a HIGH SWR problem on the C4 VF12 Antenna installed last year. I leave for V2 at 1100Z Mond
/archives//html/Towertalk/2003-10/msg00409.html (6,826 bytes)

3. [TowerTalk] IIX EQUIPMENT LTD (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 15:45:30 +0000
IIX Equipment Ltd. is still in business, and he makes very robust products! You can check his wares out at: On-line catalog, etc. I have known Doug for many years, and have been
/archives//html/Towertalk/2004-03/msg00285.html (8,829 bytes)

4. [TowerTalk] Wheaton Towers and W9WU (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 14:40:19 +0000
Hi All, I can understand the show of support for N9NA. Please heed Jim's (W9WU) request to back off. (not mailing QSL cards to the neighbors). At my old residence, Jim got the hams of Burbank, IL a 6
/archives//html/Towertalk/2004-09/msg00609.html (7,855 bytes)

5. [TowerTalk] K3LR's radial article (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 19:12:51 +0000
check out the link below to K3LR's article discussed below. Already in .pdf format, found on Google search: 73, Zig - KM9M For a fixed number of radials,
/archives//html/Towertalk/2004-12/msg00086.html (7,796 bytes)

6. [TowerTalk] R8 vs 6BTV (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 02:03:54 +0000
No experience here with any of the Cushcraft R-series verticals here. I had a 6BTV here for years. Ground mounted, it radiated......... Not a star performer, but did okay with 100 watts. An ice storm
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-01/msg01240.html (9,106 bytes)

7. [TowerTalk] Stainless bolts and rotors (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 19:43:29 +0000
Bill Fuqua wrote: Gee, I have never broken a stainless steel bolt. They have been too hard. I have broken galvanized steel bolts. Particularly after they have rusted a bit. They'll break, especially
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-02/msg00031.html (8,170 bytes)

8. [TowerTalk] looking for (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2005 03:04:14 +0000
The past few months, there was an article in QST referring to a couple electronic parts houses in the Dayton area. If anyone knows where to find these places, or the articles, please let me know wher
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-03/msg00122.html (6,756 bytes)

9. [TowerTalk] received info (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2005 07:55:18 +0000
Hi All, Thanks for many responses. I got the info I needed. 73, Zig - KM9M _______________________________________________ See: for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weath
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-03/msg00128.html (6,489 bytes)

10. [TowerTalk] Looking for HS0... (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 13:25:06 +0000
I was in contact a while ago with a HS0 ham, I believe Martin was his name. I need to contact him regarding element clamps he was loooking for, and I can't find his email/addy. Hopefully, he's still
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-04/msg00736.html (6,699 bytes)

11. [TowerTalk] HS0ZED (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 16:30:18 +0000
Thanks to all for the responses re: HS0ZED. His email address has been received, and the required message/inquiries sent. BTW: I'm looking for a complete S.S. hardware kit for a Hygain TH3-MK3 if any
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-04/msg00738.html (6,687 bytes)

12. [TowerTalk] NVIS (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 03:07:19 +0000
Well said Bill........ 73, Zig-KM9M a 32ft wire only guy _______________________________________________ See: for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather Stations", and
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-07/msg00591.html (8,366 bytes)

13. [TowerTalk] Cubex Skypole (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:40:16 +0000
Me neither.... But Google knows just about everything, try this: 73, Zig - KM9M _______________________________________________ See: for "Se
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-07/msg00752.html (7,953 bytes)

14. [TowerTalk] City of Chicago Towers (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 17:25:12 +0000
Call City Hall..... easy question for them these days... and whatever you do... DON'T MOVE TO LEMONT! I seem to recall something like 60-65 feet Jim, but C.R.S. Syndrome could be clouding that. Good
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-08/msg00030.html (7,771 bytes)

15. [TowerTalk] Boom Splice (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 23:30:13 +0000
If you're looking for the "9" that sells tower accessories, it's Doug - W9IIX..... of IIX Equipment LTD.. on-line at : Email and all other contact info is there,as well as catalog..
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-10/msg00462.html (7,105 bytes)

16. [TowerTalk] A good one! Read to the end.... (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 03:12:05 +0000
Occasionally the courts can demonstrate great wisdom. Keep smiling :-) In Florida, an atheist became incensed over the preparation for Easter and Passover holidays and decided to contact the local AC
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-12/msg00494.html (8,886 bytes)

17. [TowerTalk] retraction of Courts.... (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 03:15:44 +0000
this was an errant posting to T/T.... Sorry.. Zig - KM9M <SNIP> Occasionally the courts can demonstrate great wisdom. _______________________________________________ See: fo
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-12/msg00495.html (6,885 bytes)

18. [TowerTalk] R-45 Fold-Over Section (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 02:33:43 +0000
Does anyone have an idea as to the worth of the complete fold-over components (minus the tower sections) for a R-45 Fold-Over? (assuming they are in decent condition) Thanks and 73, Zig - KM9M ______
/archives//html/Towertalk/2006-01/msg00497.html (6,435 bytes)

19. [TowerTalk] 10-40 Beam Wanted OR TET 43L HELP (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:57:28 +0000
<Snip> I have no info or help on the TET 43L, sorry. Opti-Beam and Mosley still make 10-40m yagis... (They ain't small) Not sure abt Force12. Best of luck and 73, Zig - KM9M _________________________
/archives//html/Towertalk/2006-04/msg00150.html (7,863 bytes)

20. [TowerTalk] Propane Tank near ground rods (score: 1)
Author: "S. Markowski Jr." <>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 05:04:23 +0000
Big tanks DO blow out from their ends. This BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion) occurs when the "safety valve or pressure relief valve" malfunctions, and won't allow pressure building up
/archives//html/Towertalk/2006-04/msg00536.html (8,863 bytes)

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