I had the same problem one time and it was caused by a corroded connection on my rotor cable. Turn the radio up so you can hear it and start moving cables and tightening connections. That's how I fou
Mike....as an indicator of band conditions, I heard some JA's also with a 75S-1 and a 15 foot wire in the living room. Regards Dave Harmon K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. --Original Message--
I have a JPS ANC-4 http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/preamps/0094.html and my experience is mixed. About 80% of the time it is ineffective regardless of the sense antenna polarity or configurati
Regards Dave Harmon NSRCA 586 K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. No I've found the opposite....its really dependant on the sensing antenna.....mine was not worth too much until I threw up a G5RV,
Well Bob....tell me seriously why I would want an Extra more now than before?? Regards Dave Harmon NSRCA 586 K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. Look on the bright side. With all them CB'ers getti
Like someone else said....I don't believe that there is going to be a stampede to the ham bands just because a 5 wpm test has been eliminated. I have yet to actually meet someone who has not got a ti
Very true....cheap too Regards Dave Harmon NSRCA 586 K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. steel Have you tried PB-Blaster? I have not yet found anything that it is not successful in penetrating and
I shipped my big yagis and several 20' masts on the same van that moved the rest of the household stuff. These vans have a 'belly pack' and the guys just slid the aluminum in there and that was all t
Regards Dave Harmon NSRCA 586 K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. You are incorrect regarding "No charge". After they loaded the trailer, they took it down and weighed it all and you were charged
Bill.....you could call Skip Bolnick KJ6Y over in Woodland Hills. http://members.aol.com/kj6y/skip.html He has a tower trailer for use with his tower erecting business and I'm positive he can do the
I forgot to mention 'yes' to all of your questions. Regards Dave Harmon NSRCA 586 K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. Gentlemen: I need to move a 24 foot long (when collapsed), 2,400 pound tower.
Sure.....but nobody heard it!!!hehehhe Regards Dave Harmon NSRCA 586 K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. -WB2WIK/6 What does surprise me, though, is that it is standard practice in the business fo
Recently, I had considered a UST and I was going to pick it up at their Kansas location. They informed me that they no longer provide a trailer for rent or otherwise. They may still have them at thei
The link dosent work Regards Dave Harmon NSRCA 586 K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. I prefer to do as little work as possible. Put up any length of dipole (at least 3/8WL long at the lowest ope
Most guys probably would not agree....until they actually use a KLM 20 mtr Bigstick. Regards Dave Harmon NSRCA 586 K6XYZ[at]sbcglobal[dot]net Sperry, Ok. Great subjective opinions...prolly why antenn
guys. When he tries to chew it, it'll spin.<< And you could use a size of pipe that is too large to get his jaws around. You could make a thin cut lengthwise so you could get the pipe around the guy
Used towers just aren't worth very much. I couldn't sell my nice crank and tilt Tri-Ex for $500 so I gave it away. The guy came over and took it off the base and hauled it off. It was going to cost m
This is probably why my Tri-Ex came with a worm drive winch. Both the raising and erect/tilt winches were worm drive. A friend of mine had the same tower with one of the winches that you describe but
I've had the same 'sticking' problem on a Tri-Ex manual winch tower. I learned to extend it all the way to the stop, then lower it about 5 turns so that next time I need to lower it and it sticks aga
That's right..... One time I laid down a retracted 50' pushup next to a couple of trees and when I moved 10 years later I had to rent a chain saw to cut that dang thing outta the tree trunks. Both tr