Team I agree with Gene. Just do it. Back in 1968 and 1969 I planned and set up a number of VHF, UHF and HF full crypto radio systems in jungles in Vietnam....and in other places. I was a Captain in t
Don and Team This may not be very helpful but we have a late model (less than one year old) high end 44 inch plasma TV and the HF interference from it is so bad (S6) on the AM broadcast band, 160 met
Kelly It will probably work just fine. Check out 73, Ted, K6XN Hi all, Does a Ham-IV control box work on a Ham-II? Thanks and 73, Kelly ve4xt ______________________
Kelly Please read the "BELL ROTOR HISTORY" section on the website. 73, Ted, K6XN Kelly It will probably work just fine. Check out
Team For whatever its worth my xyl Laine, K6XXN, and I have a 1992 Jeep Cherokee Ltd with the 4.0 liter 6 cylinder engine and a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Ltd with the 4.7 liter V8 engine each running
Team I agree with Rod. On February 19, 2005 I was working on an 80 meter antenna when lightning either struck the antenna or struck nearby and I was knocked unconscious and I stopped breathing. Lucki
Team I have had similar experiences as Paul and I agree with everything Paul has said. I would only add that it has been my experience that if I use the standard Comtek recommended phasing line confi
Steam. with water gets hit by lightning? producing pin hole leaks in copper water pipes. Does anyone have any good data on this? Maybe the problem ocurrs ar the soldered connections? ________________
Allen I have a CATS DPU-1800-D digital rotor and controller coupled to rotate an 85 foot self supporting tubular tower and a monster 70 foot boom length 11 element M2 6 meter beam ( M2 model 6M11JKV)
Alan and Team I hope nobody will be offended by what I am about to say...if so...please don't take it personally or just hit the delete key. Many of these alleged "High Tension Studies" appear to suf
Team I have had a KLM 40M dipole mounted three feet above a KLM KT34XA (6 element tribander on a 30+ foot boom) for over 27 years. The KLM 40M dipole is mounted parallel to the boom of the KT34XA and
Bob and Team Here at my location in California the magnetic declination is approx 17 degrees. I simply point or adjust my rotor controller to indicate 17 degrees and adjust the antenna(s) to point *M
Mike I absolutely agree with your advice to those on the east coast and others having a negative magnetic declination. I apologize for the unintended possible confusion. Thanks also for the URL to fi
Jim, Mike and Team Thanks! It actually was probably about 25 years ago when I last checked the magnetic declination here in Northern California and at 1 degree per 10 years rate of change in magnetic