the ring part to make round bench a low to get for the Wow. I don't know the current retail price of this machine (I assume they are a kilobuck, or more...), but an additional price is described in t
Bingo, the guessing game is over. Elements are not hermetically sealed devices. Therefore, what goes in must be let out. Open ends are best; small holes in the lower edges of the caps next-best, but
Richard, It sounds like you can afford the more expensive tower, 45G, because you don't say you can't. If true, there is no reason in the world why you would want to put up 25G instead, given a fair
In rebuilding a large antenna, I'm looking for structural fiberglass tubing-- 2.5" OD X 2" ID (1/4-in. wall). This size is manufactured but so far I've not found a supplier who has small quantities o
Thanks Bill (and others), but Max-Gain doesn't show that size on their inventory list. Allen is on vacation this week. 73, Glenn _______________________________________________ See: http://www.mscomp
The hot air balloon lifts were at W7KW in Peoria, AZ and made the cover of CQ sometime in 1977. Several folks have used choppers as well. Phil Ashcraft (SK) in Dallas did it I believe, and the Texas
"Can't", "won't", or "don't want to?" I respectively recommend you not accept a verbal statement on the topic of what the city allows, or doesn't allow, per their own regulations. Towers are logicall
tubular mast. Stu, and others who may not know-- You should be able to get information about the Tri-Ex products from: Tashjian Towers Corporation 559-495-0307 He is a former Tri-E
AB Chance should be sold by Graybar (Greybar?), wholesale electric supply houses nationwide. They should have catalog, try online. When I bought anchors from them many years ago, they wouldn't sell t
Anecdote follows: Frank Clement, W6KPC (SK), who owned Tri-Ex for many years, told me in personal conversation that their crankups were designed so that if a catastrophic failure were to occur with t
Fred, a few months ago W7ZR mentioned he is using this on his UST HDX-555 crankup. 73, Glenn K6NA Dutton-Lainson SA9015AC, non-clutch version, for just over $400. At 11:11 AM 6/28/2013, you wrote: An
A little history lesson... I apologize if it's a TT dupe. (Telex) Hy-Gain got into the tower business in the early eighties when a former Tri-Ex sales manager went to work for them in Nebraska. The H