The TH11 manual specifically addresses this, and says a minimum of 10' seperation. 73 Ed -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrativ
Good point! Entirely too many flames on this one. Which of us hasn't done something just as ill conceived? Let's give thanks to all the new guys who have been educated on the subject. And I'll be fir
Thanks to Rus for this information. 73 Ed -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: Pr
As reported on the SE DX packet cluster, a local ham yesterday had a 65' Rohn 45 collapse while he was belted on at the top. Injuries are a punctured lung, broken hip, numerous cuts and bruised. Doin
Someone had better educate me. Why in the world would you want a program which sets the PC clock within umpty ump nanoseconds? What's wrong with just setting the blooming thing with WWV or H. This th
You can also use them to raise a 135 pound molydenum mast off your hand after the safety catch fails. Which then leaves you free to climb down the tower with one broken hand, about $5000 in medical b
Ed -- as I am about to embark on raising such a mast, maybe you can help clear something up in my mind. I use the terms "come-a-long" and "cable puller" interchangably, perhaps wrongly. The one I hav
First liar never has a chance! AnonyMouse -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: Pr
Jack, if you consider the time vs the money involved, a lawn edger will work fine with a little modification. Take the tine off, and in its place, put a straight blade with a sharpened edge. ( or do
If at all possible, you can suspend part of the antenna between two supports. Since the balloon is aerodynamically symmetric, it should never drop below about 45 degrees ( neglecting drag, wire, ect
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --926085BEAB3E2E652CAAD2CF Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sure Ron, I modeled the 25 and will attach it as an
Well, if it's an "older" Hygain, it's a Telrex. I have the original drawing, but it looks like the boom was predrilled. Going by some of the other measurements, and praying the drawing is to scale. i
On the other hand, it merely takes a 8 pole double throw switch to control 2 ( or more if you change the switch ) with one control unit. Used it for years.. Know I bought the switch from Ack Radio he
Well, a CSD is a Constand Speed Drive, usually attached to the front of the generators for a jet engine. Air Research pretty much has a monolopy on the things. The turbine is driven by extremely high
Best Ed -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: Problems: owner-towertalk@contestin
I'd like to meet a PE who would alter ( under reasonably normal circumstances ) any engineering drawing from Rohn. Talk about going out on a limb.. I suppose the whole thing revolves around whether t
No, but if the car had a defect which caused you to louse control, thereby hitting the power pole, you'd have a just claim. And if Rohn is withholding information ( and I neither imply nor suggest s
Sure, like the house inspector for the home I built who didn't know what a ground fault interrupter was. Or this house which I just bought which doesn't have a master circuit breaker in the CB box. 7
Well, this one is going to be with us for awhile. I think we'd all be interested in a detailed description of the "antenna range" setup: 1.Preliminary steps to determine a base reference for 0 db 2.
Well, off the top of my head, you are claiming greater than 12.75db over the other station. You need to get with your buddy and see what's wrong with his antenna. A beam it isn't. 73 Ed -- FAQ on WW