Insane! Looks like US Tower won't be selling many towers in the future at those prices. 73, Jim N9WW Sent from my iPhone 6S _______________________________________________ ___________________________
I was going to pull the trigger on an MA-850 and all the accessories this February. Looks like I'll buy something else. 73, Jim N9WW (ex KJ9A) Jim Chaggaris President PowerOne Corp. 2325 Dean St. Set
Well, If it's a round or oval paper nest those are Baldfaced Hornets. They are truly the most aggressive. Any other hornet, wasp etc pales in comparison. I had such a nest on one of my beams and call
It's a well known fact that Sept/Oct is wasp season. They're looking for a new home to hold up over the Winter.. Best Regards, Jim N9WW James Chaggaris President PowerOne Corp. 2325 Dean St. Suite 20
I read Rudys article but before reading his article, I have used 12 1/4 wave elevated for my 40/30 DXE vertical for the past 12 years. Great results. The base of the vertical is 25' above ground.. 73
I don't know. I'll take my elevated 40/30M vertical at 30' with 8 radials over any ground mounted vertical with 60+ radials. Been there done that. Huge difference. 73, Jim N9WW James Chaggaris Presid
John, I should have explained in a little more detail. As you used to live in the "Black Hole" of the Midwest, I'm still here and my QTH is in an even deeper hole within the "Black Hole". Anytime I c
Greetings, I have a Wilson MT-61B tubular tower with base that allows you to mount the rotator at the bottom. This tower was given to me by the widow of a SK a few years ago. I'm looking to have it r
I've never had an issue with a broken solder joint using silver or eutectic solder for antennas. Best Regards, Jim N9WW James Chaggaris President PowerOne Corp. 2325 Dean St. Suite 800J St. Charles,
1 7/8" Best Regards, Jim N9WW James Chaggaris President PowerOne Corp. 2325 Dean St. Suite 800J St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: (630)443-6500 Cell: (630)669-2241 _________________________
Best Regards, Jim James Chaggaris President PowerOne Corp. 2325 Dean St. Suite 800J St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: (630)443-6500 Cell: (630)669-2241 _____________________________________
Greetings, I recently moved and need some assistance in getting dems for HFTA. It's been years since I last used HFTA and thought I'd do a terrain analysis before the tower goes up. Any help is great