Is there a beginner's guide to climbing towers? It would be nice to find a web resource with details on equipment, how to use it and all aspects of safety. Tks. 73 de Mike, N9BOR A-1 FISTS MAC SMC ZU
Could a powered post hole auger be used to make more accurate sized foundation holes? 73 de Mike, N9BOR A-1 FISTS MAC SMC ZUT di dah dit - The only Roger Beep you'll ever nee
Check out the reviews at 73 de Mike, N9BOR FISTS MAC SMC ZUT MAC di dah dit - The only Roger Beep yo
I recently hired an arborist to trim some trees and add screw-eyes for antenna supports. I have a split (vee trunk) silver maple that had a support cable installed between both trunks. They installed
I'm considering buying a used Universal Aluminum Tower. I'm not familiar with how aluminum weathers and would like to know what a typical useful life might be. This tower is located in Chicago. Is th
Metro Amateur Radio Club (MAC) invites you to attend our August meeting. Visit the MAC website at Program Description Amateur Radio and the Law - Jim O'Connell, W9WU ARRL Volun
I'm familiar with the MAILMAN software that runs this list. I administer seven Ham Radio lists that use this software. The default and recommended setting is REPLY TO POSTER. "Poster is strongly reco
This is not what you're looking for, but it might be of interest to others. A new antenna center insulator from Ten Tec, 73 de Mike, N9BOR A-1, FISTS, JARL A-1, SMC
It would be simpler to eliminate subscriptions from e-mail forwarding accounts (e.g.,,,, etc.). I administer several lists using MAILMAN software, like this list.
Jim, Thanks for your note. Yes, you, et al, might "like" using an alias e-mail account, but that is the problem. Your unwillingness to be slightly inconvenienced, when/if you ever change your e-mail
Instead of getting 40 e-mail accounts you could simply append an address with a key (e.g. to determine how it is being propagated. Most servers ignore anything after a plus si
Bill, If you mean, it would free up the ARRL's mail server for more important things, yes. 73 de Mike, N9BOR A-1, FISTS, JARL A-1, SMC di dah dit - The only R
It would mean that everyone using an alias account would have to resubscribe using their "real" e-mail address. It would not prohibit anyone from enjoying the benefits of TowerTalk, that is currentl
Alan, I think you misread my posts. It is my opinion, any decisions regarding TowerTalk is at the sole discretion of the list administrator and/or list owner. 73 de Mike, N9BOR A-1, FISTS, JARL A-1,