TT's: i will like to hear from the experts abouth this antenna , the pros and cons, what to change or what to improve. i get this antenna from a friend and i will have in my hands soon, i made a sear
TT's: I start building one of the 2 quads that will remplace my monobands 10-15-20m, i still thinking how to support in the spreaders the wires in the driven element , this one is the most inportant
tram-browning wholesale parts tel 1800 544 0260 524-c westland drive, edmond, oklahoma 73013 to retail , no to users.. the cheap-good quality coax i see, ask for a sample.. cheap type 400 and 500 (li
TTs: after read the non-ham in tower talk e mail series.. i read and try to participate in this e mail list or forum to learn and exchange experience.. i will acept from hams and non- hams who really
Richard: good luck i have the 6 band file, include 6m band, if you want i can send you. lengths Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free
Steve: i will like to know in what part in the west coast.. oregon wa, nort ca central ca south ca , az , nv ? for someone who Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with a
TT's: i use several diferents techniques and products, depending the rust or the dirt on the aluminum. 1.-i can use the scoth brite pads at light or finish look. 2.-regular rust or rust spots from ot
here some help from my friend The "father of crank-up towers," Lou Tristao, KG6VY, of Visalia, California, has died. Tristao, a past ARRL member, was 86. According to Steve Morris, K7LXC,
George: there in the nevada web page appears a breaking strain and diameter check it maybe there are the answer you want the big 11200 lb is a little bigger than a rg8, looks like a coax cable for gu
Derrick: To id the tower you have there is much possible is a t200 trylon 96ft plus a 8 ft mast on top, check for numbers in the steps of the tower and numbers in one side of the tower , if you find
Ken: US towers has a support like the one you need , but this is for big antennas, is very simple you will clamp the support to the tower section the bracket is to support a rotator but the concept i
Mike: i have some questions for you how many connectors you will use ? if you will only use 2 -4 or less than 10 maybe is good to return and get the connectors that need soldering and a lot of time t
Michael: i see this antenna in visalia and looks that works and can handle 1kw check also check HIQantennas, but don't show power capacity
Byron: the BPL use the power lines to your house and never will use an antenna . there are diferents plataforms to provide broadband internet to house users or diferent size of bussines. there are di
if i not use hard line (heliax type or other brand) i will use the lmr cable 400 or 600 over any other brand in coax , the flex version for short runs from antenna to antenna switch to made a good lo
they only want to be on the photo , they don't care much abouth details like safesty, they never have an accident. Remember Superman. -- Original Message -- From: "Blake Bowers" <>
Craig: if you will have all the antennas over the mast, you can install the ant switch above the top of your tower around 1-2 fts. and you will run one coax cable and control cable for the switch to
TT's : I need one more antenna switch, but i will like to buy something better this time , not only the easy to get or cheaper. i will like to have a few opinions on this products. dx engineering RR8
Derek: the lumber on the concrete is necesary ? i remember the mail boxes use a similar 4x4 and can be mounted using this anchor, is very simple, is like a nail on the bottom and a simple mount where
Chuck: i saw this towers all the times when goin to my girlfriend's house using the exit at 4th street from hw 8, i know that something was missing, most of the time i drive by nite and the beacon is