My soil is very, very hard clay which makes it a perfect tower base... in fact we had to jack hammer it out to build the base... ... Strong constructions workers hitting the top of the 8' ground rods
Weldable Rebar (ASTM A706) is made of a different material alloy than standard non weldable rebar (ASTM A615). You have to be very careful when welding and you will need to get the welds inspected. W
I bought the Harbor Freight $59 SDS Hammer Drill... and a $14 Grinder to cut off the end of one of the SDS bits to make it square.. used 5/8" heater hose and clamp as a guide followed the process htt
In California it is called Dig Alert... and Yes.. the service guys were kind enough to find some buried coax for me... took them a couple of minutes detect them and to spray the ground with ora
Take a look at We did this for the raising fixture.. but it also works for the tower.. We used a Socket and 1/2 Power drill to power the Hand winch... It helps to get someone to weld th
Anyone know where to find the Ham-Law Forum and how to join it? __________________________________________________________ Howard S. White Ph.D. P. Eng., VE3GFW/K6 ex-AE6SM KY6LA Website: www.ky6la.c
Thanks to all for helping me figure it out... It definitely does not have an archive... But I am sure that it will be useful to the San Diego Antenna Defense project. ________________________________
Why does everyone on this list seem to be so mad at insurance companies? What is the crime in trying to earn a profit? Insurance companies like all businesses are in business to make money or they co
I have a SteppIR MonstIR which is a Monobander from 40M to 6M...3 El on 40/30, 4 El on 20/17/15/12/10, 6 El on 6... I would love to run it head to head against any other beam with the same boom lengt
Brett: The only problem I can see is that the Rebar would probably not be connected together as a single conductor and at best the different sections would be capacitively coupled. __________________
I am using a Yaesu G-2800DXA on a US Tower Rotor Base to turn MonstIR#1... No problems with it whatsoever for more than a year, but the Rotor base takes up the entire vertical load... Take a look at
Take what you read on with a grain of salt.... Have had a 51" Plasma HDTV located phyically directly underneath my beam for a couple of years and a 32" LCD-HDTV directly above my operating p
Actually the media types were totally biased against the ham... they only interviewed negative comments and took a very hostile view of the antenna... They took close ups of wires to highlight the ug
For those of us too busy working EMCOMM projects to attend Dayton... How does one get a copy of this valuable forum??? __________________________________________________________ _____________________
I originally grouted the base of my UST as per the drawings... But when everything was up we found that the tower stuck a bit when it was rotated which is a symptom of slightly off skew tower... So w