There is no grounded part in an R7 type antenna. Mostly do not ground the radials. If you want to ground something, that would be the shield of the coax, at the attach point to the matching network. Good prices, reasonable shipping, very helpful when you have questions (use e-mail or phone). They have all styles of connectors, and you can get exactly what you want. I u
Shortly after I moved into my current house, lightning hit a tree in my backyard (it was taller than my then R7 antenna). The house was then about 20 years old and the tree had grown over the in-grou
It is a fact of nature that a tube in moving air will generate vortices which will induce vibrations. Whether or not the antenna vibrates under that is a matter of element rigidity (material), not el
RF is AC. However, at high frequencies (RF), skin effects tend to make life harder on contacts. At HF (<30MHz), skin effect is probably minimal and not a real concern. The big difference is between A
I recently bought a tower + rotor + beams from a local ham who also had a T2X (Hi-Gain Tail-twister). He had a TH7DX 7el HF beam, a 3 el WARC beam (A3W Cushcraft I think) and a 2m 13 el (13B2 Cushcra