If you are looking for some additional modeling ideas try the second bullet here: http://ac6la.com/aecollection4.html Dan, AC6LA http://ac6la.com _______________________________________________ _____
More than you can shake a stick at. See http://ac6la.com/aecollection9.html Dan, AC6LA _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailin
I actually modeled both variations. In the graphics for the second section on this page http://ac6la.com/aecollection9.html the wires view following the words "Here's a different variation; a diamond
Roger used to be WB0DGF, he is now W8IO. His web site at http://www.w8io.com/hamradio.htm shows his email address at the bottom of the page. Another link of interest: http://ethw.org/Hy-Gain_TH7DX_An
Here's what I did to investigate John's scenario. First step was to create a model of the C-3S using variables to control the wire coordinates. The AutoEZ "Create Stepped Diameters" dialog makes shor
There is a very detailed study of the feed system for the ARRL pentaband quad in the 5th section of this page: http://ac6la.com/aeautoseg.html Dan, AC6LA http://ac6la.com ____________________________
If you are an EZNEC user or a QRP enthusiast or a die-hard experimenter you'll really enjoy this interview with Roy Lewallen, W7EL: https://www.qsotoday.com/podcasts/w7el Dan, AC6LA http://www.ac6la.
http://hamcom.dk/VNWA/How%20to%20measure%20very%20high%20impedances.pdf Dan, AC6LA _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing li
It just so happens that I've been working with a fellow who has been measuring loss in Wireman 551 (aka JSC 1318) window line. The conductors are solid #18 CCS. Using a DG8SAQ VNWA in 1-port mode, he
Done. https://postimg.org/image/u8sa9sxol/ Dan, AC6LA _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@contesting.com h
As to common curve shapes, here's Figure 3.1 from the Johnson book on transmission lines (Howard Johnson and Martin Graham, "High Speed Signal Propagation: Advanced Black Magic", 2003): https://posti
For those who might be interested in modeling the K6STI Enhanced OWA here is a link to the model file converted to AutoEZ (.weq) format. Right-click on the link and save to your computer. https://ac6
Sounds like Grant wanted to see the pattern distortion caused by current asymmetry in the radials. Another possibility would be to include the suspected *cause* of the asymmetry (such as a nearby tow
As Grant alluded to, as of EZNEC v6.0.14 a new topic has been added to the Help manual which gives step by step instructions for creating a wire grid. Click on Help > Contents, then on the "Contents"
Jim, Might it have something to do with this presentation on "Receiving Antenna Metrics" by OH6LI? http://wwrof.org/webinar-archive/receiving-antenna-metrics-with-examples/ Dan, AC6LA _______________
Doug responded: The correct link for the English version can also be found on the "Noise Margin" tab of the Excel workbook (spreadsheet) associated with the OH6LI presentation. A slightly revised and
Model file from the July 2005 QST article by K1STO sent to Henry. Discussion of that model and a "QST Binaries" link to the .ez file available at the second bullet here: https://ac6la.com/aecollectio
For example, here (second bullet): https://ac6la.com/aecollection4.html And here (third bullet): https://ac6la.com/aecollection9.html Dan, AC6LA https://ac6la.com ____________________________________
If you use EZNEC v6 with Windows 10 you'll probably want to make sure you have the most recent EZNEC maintenance update which is v. 6.0.17. Instructions for downloading it can be found here: http://e
AutoEZ users: If you'd like to experiment with modeling this broad-band 80m dipole see the 4th section on this page: https://ac6la.com/aecollection5.html There is a link to download an AutoEZ format