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Total 197 documents matching your query.

161. Re: [TowerTalk] ground radial length vs antenna height? (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 13:55:53 -0400
I have been using a homebrew version of the Hygain Hytower with great results on 75,40 & 20. I have 80 ground radial of varying lengths from 30 to 150' long and I feed it with a 175' run of LMR900. I
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-08/msg00535.html (10,898 bytes)

162. [TowerTalk] Elevated Radials (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 21:39:03 -0400
Does anyone on this reflector have a source of information regarding using elevated radials with a ground mounted 1/4 wave vertical? My Hygain Hytower is at ground level but I would like to put 4-5 e
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-09/msg00051.html (6,715 bytes)

163. Re: [TowerTalk] SteppIR Tuning Question (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 18:02:00 -0400
Just turn off the automatic antenna tuner in the FT2000D. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@contesting.c
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-09/msg00235.html (8,682 bytes)

164. Re: [TowerTalk] Tashjian Tower Orders (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 12:41:18 -0400
If Steppir, FlexRadio and Elecraft had shorter leadtimes when they introduced their products they would have sold more equipment. Having to wait for 6 months or more is a turn-off for most. As I reca
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-09/msg00421.html (17,293 bytes)

165. Re: [TowerTalk] House entrance ground for RF ground? (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 17:17:58 -0400
I don't think that using the electric company ground is a very good idea. It is usually just a single ground rod that they pound into the ground near the electric box. That is exactly the right thing
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00064.html (10,172 bytes)

166. Re: [TowerTalk] #10 Rebar vs 1.250 Cold Roll Steel...??? (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 19:00:06 -0400
I am also homebrewing a new base for a LM354HD, which uses the same base as the LM470. I tried to buy a base from Tash Tower and they wanted $700 for shipping charges plus the cost of the base! Ridic
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00206.html (9,852 bytes)

167. Re: [TowerTalk] #10 Rebar vs 1.250 Cold Roll Steel...??? (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 21:11:12 -0400
If you weld diagonals onto the vertical struts cold rolled steel will be fine and stronger. Also weld some "feet" on the bottom and you'll pull the concrete out of the hole before the rods come out.
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00217.html (11,532 bytes)

168. [TowerTalk] HyGain HyTower Stub for 60M (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 16:33:53 -0400
Anyone out there that has added a stub for 60M to the HyGain HyTower vertical? My homebrew version of this antenna works great on 20, 40 and 75 and I would like to add 60. Thanks, Bob W6TR __________
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00251.html (6,833 bytes)

169. [TowerTalk] HyGain HyTower Stub (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 17:31:04 -0400
Still looking for someone who has put a stub on a HyGain HyTower for 60M. I've tried a couple of stubs and it ain't working. BTW, all of my spare Silicone sheets are gone. Thanks one and all. Bob W6T
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00312.html (6,521 bytes)

170. [TowerTalk] HyGain HyTower 7mhz Trap (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 15:09:55 -0400
Anyone have a HyGain trap that can be used on the HyTower vertical that I can buy? The HyGain P/N is 877234. It was sold by HyGain to put the antenna on 160. It mounts at the top of the lattice secti
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00397.html (6,653 bytes)

171. Re: [TowerTalk] LM-470 Installation Info Needed (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 09:35:54 -0400
The bottom line is that you should have a 2:1 mechanical advantage pulley configuration so as to not put excessive strain on the cable. I believe that the bracket you are saying you are missing is no
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00447.html (9,317 bytes)

172. Re: [TowerTalk] VHF / UHF analyzer (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 07:53:28 -0800
Three things to consider: the seller is in Hong Kong the seller has very few transactions It's already sold(to an Italian ham) Besides, who ever heard of Times Technology Buy an AEA CIA analyzer ____
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00606.html (8,003 bytes)

173. Re: [TowerTalk] New Cables for a Crank Up and NicoPress Clamps (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 08:03:56 -0800
You will find that the crimp tool is about $150. Mine is made by HK Porter and I bought it about 15 years ago for $130 at that time. You should not use the aluminum Nicopress sleeves. I always use th
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00607.html (9,931 bytes)

174. Re: [TowerTalk] New Cables for a Crank Up and NicoPress Clamps (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 08:38:32 -0800
One other thing, This is not a project to be taken lightly. You will be wise to find a local ham that has done this before and is knowledgeable. Danger abounds. I have always layed my towers over and
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00609.html (10,449 bytes)

175. Re: [TowerTalk] New Cables for a Crank Up and NicoPress Clamps (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 05:37:48 -0800
Now all you have to worry about is whether Tashjian made them the proper length and did they crimp them with the zinc plated copper sleeves. And, of course, you still have to install them. Read your
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00639.html (10,821 bytes)

176. Re: [TowerTalk] Tower suggestions? (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 17:41:25 -0800
A used Tri-Ex LM-354HD. Will handle your windloading with ease, goes to 54 feet plus a HD mast will take it to 60+ feet. Motor crank up if you can find it. I would consider a prop pitch instead of th
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-10/msg00666.html (9,385 bytes)

177. [TowerTalk] HD Mast Wanted (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 16:18:46 -0800
I am looking for a heavy duty mast, at least 20 feet in length. prefer 24' and 2" OD. Due to the yagis I plan to put on it, it has to be high tensile strength. I can travel up the east coast for the
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-11/msg00284.html (6,840 bytes)

178. Re: [TowerTalk] telrex question (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 19:46:16 -0800
INHO, time has obsoleted the Telrex beams. They are heavy, not optimized as present day beams are, and were advertised back in a time when no computers or optimization software was available so their
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-11/msg00369.html (8,600 bytes)

179. Re: [TowerTalk] Dipole Center Connector (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 10:52:23 -0800
Going thicker also results in a shorter antenna. Example: The HyGain HyTower resonates on 75 with a total length of 53 feet. That's because the bottom half of the antenna is made from lattice tower s
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-11/msg00434.html (9,407 bytes)

180. Re: [TowerTalk] prop pitch motor (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 17:24:29 -0800
Art, are you looking for a prop pitch? Bob W6TR -- Original Message -- From: "Art Snow" <> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 6:04 PM Subject: [TowerTalk
/archives//html/Towertalk/2008-11/msg00468.html (7,945 bytes)

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