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References: [ 23 ]

Total 23 documents matching your query.

21. [TowerTalk] insurance companies in general (score: 1)
Author: John Silberman <>
Date: Sat, 08 May 2004 13:50:12 -0400
I'm really sick and tired of hearing about the insurance companies 9-11 losses. Look at all the years they didn't have losses like that and ending up buying big parcels in big cities and building hug
/archives//html/Towertalk/2004-05/msg00145.html (12,148 bytes)

22. [TowerTalk] Dispute (score: 1)
Author: blkcat28 <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 13:13:06 -0500
Please bear with me while I make a few comments. 1. If someone has a problem with a dealer/distributer, they should first try to resolve it privately. If they are unable to get satisfaction that way
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-01/msg00401.html (12,705 bytes)

23. [TowerTalk] Vert vs beam (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 08:28:47 -0500
This summer I may be going to Jamaica(6Y5) and taking HF +6m. For 6m, I can take a 3 element beam (7dbi) or a 5/8 wl vertical (6dbi). Since 6 is not that crowded, I'm not worried about F/B and I'm no
/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-02/msg00417.html (7,593 bytes)

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