Hi Rick, Probably so. The manual does not show the STATIC weight. It shows the weight equivalent (load) if an 80 mph wind was push on the 6.25 sq foot of antenna area...156.5 pounds. That's what I wa
I have one and I will be happy to copy and send it to you. I'm away from home and will not be able to copy and send it for about a week, is that ok? My ATB 34 is almost 30 years old and still perform
Tommy, I beg to differ with you, CCRs and Zoning ARE part of the realtors responsibility. They may not know a tower from a septic tank but they should be versed in finding out about zoning and the ne
I have an old wood house on a SMALL lot (1/10th acre) by the sea. To keep the area looking "old" I am willing to put up an old three parallel wire 1920s style aerial. My questions are: Is it one wire
Roger, Not being an engineer, I can only say my observations are just that. Having said that, the guyed tower will be putting all of it's downward pressure on the washer stacks and not the whole moun
Don't forget: Grounds, telephone within reach of the operating position, an intercom to where ever the YL/XYL is so you don't have to jump up all the time, mini frig for drinks and snacks so you don'
Hi all, Once you think you have the right pole, with radio in hand, kick the pole with the flat of your foot. Don't use your car or anything big. The pole should stand the impact and it you're at the
ROTORS... Whether it's yours or someone else's, connect it on the ground to the control box that will be used at the station and check that the rotor functions properly before you put it up. You can
I have two questions for the group. If I'm wrong, please correct me. 1. Some older tribanders had traps that have a sort of fiber trap cover, that is unavailable now. Because its fiber and not alumin
A good friend of several of the list subscribers had a Rohn 25, 50 feet, base plate on cement pad, wall bracket at 8 feet, and had a TH7DXX, some HD rotor, cross tree with 2m and 440 ringos, and a 2m
Pete, Chuck, In the early 60's, there was the "Cliff dweller" antenna. No, not the slinky. It was a well made heavy duty rotatable dipole with motorized elements. It was a great antenna, but when the
David, Send her a letter explaining what is happening, you need letters for proof. Phone calls do not cut it. The letter should state that you run a clean station, it's more than likely an overload d
Someone has already optimized the A50-5 . I believe I have a copy of it. If you want, I'll scan it and e-mail it to you. John KB4CRT _______________________________________________ See: http://www.ms
B & W makes some really good antennas, HOWEVER>>> as you know all multi-band antenna are one trade off or another. The way B & W gets that folded dipole to play on all bands with less than 2:1 SWR is
Think about it this way, for the cost of a bucket truck, you may not be able to send CW ever again, and you'll be using VOX a lot. It also makes it harder to eat and do other fun things. Please use a
Hi Warren, Is it a "link" that you really want? If it is a "link" and you want to control something, you have to do it on or above 70cm. If you want to chat with another HAM, you can do it below 70cm
Warren, If your house is 200' elevation and the antenna is on your tower will be up another 20', with no obstructions to the water, you should be able to hit a simple ground plane from your HT. Get o
The Gainesville Florida hamfest is April 24 at the Alachua County Fairgrounds, SR 222 1/2 mi E of SE 24 Talk-in on 146.820. I am looking for a group that is going, the larger the group, the more fun.