I see Tashjian offers 1/4-inch SS option for replacement cables for my WT-51. Cost is almost 2x standard galvanized, which is also 1/4 inch. I'm in Florida and wonder if SS is worth it given high hum
I am. 2-inch chrome-molly mast with a 4el SteppIR. Probably overkill, but I did see some slip with the OEM mast clamp and I didn't want to have to pin the mast. I have;n tried your proposed installat
... and the mast isn't resting on the rotor. I have;n tried your proposed installation method, but it seems like it would work if you can slide the rotor straight in. -- Art Greenberg WA2LLN art@artg
The instructions for setting element length aren't clear. Do I measure from element tip to the side of the boom, or to the center of the boom? I think its the later ... TNX -- Art Greenberg WA2LLN ar
I seek a better understanding of the proper application of common mode chokes. First, the setup: I have several coax-fed antennas on a crank-up tower. The coax shields are bonded to the tower at the
I think I left out an important detail. Elements are all connected to the boom. Even the DE, fed with a "beta" match. doug wb1e 73 The instructions for setting element length aren't clear. Do I measu
I should proof read before posting. The DE is insulated from the boom. Fed with a beta match. Its a Hy-Gain antenna. doug wb1e 73 The instructions for setting element length aren't clear. Do I measur
The antenna is a 6 element 6m yagi, VB-66DX. The instructions are a photocopy of a photocopy, I think. The drawing is too small to see sufficient detail. I have an earlier version of this antenna, th
Doug, I'm pretty sure that won't work. The matching network can likely be adjusted for a good SWR even if the element lengths are slightly off, especially if its one of the directors. IOW, there isn'
I just had to take about 250 feet of "brand X" coax out of service because the outer jacket is cracking. Three runs up my 50 foot crank-up tower hanging from a support at the top, and three runs from
Thanks for all of the comments. Suffice it to say I'm surprised at the brand most mentioned in your responses ... and I think many of you are going to be surprised as well. To Jim's (W7RY) point ...
I'm considering adding a mast-mounted LNA for 2m and I want to deliver 12V to it through the coax. Currently, all of the lightning arrestors in my entrance panel are DC blocking type. I can see a cou
Jorge, I chose to use an optical isolator rather than a lightning arrestor. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00QU232UM All of my USB devices connect to a powered USB hub, and t
Times says the jacket on LMR-600-UF is TPE. A web search turned up this, among others: https://automation-insights.blog/2015/06/24/which-cable-jacket-is-best-for-your-application/ The outer jacket on
I'm considering buying the subject antenna. I want to mount it on an existing NN4ZZ TiltPlate. The old NN4ZZ site shows an adapter for the OptiBeam square booms. In this case, the boom is 40mm square
John, When the mast is vertical, the boom plate on the TiltPlate is a few degrees off of vertical. So if you just bolt the square boom to the boom plate, the antenna will be off of horizontal. The ad
John, I have a tower that tilts over and a TiltPlate. There are several VHF/UHF antennas and a mast-mounted preamp in addition to a 4-element SteppIR that is mounted on the TiltPlate. The setup has m
Thanks Jon, but the OB9-5HD isn't the antenna in question. The XR5 is a nice antenna but based on advertised performance, its not in the same class as the OBDYA12-5. -- Art Greenberg WA2LLN art@artg.
Please help me identify a length of hard line. I'm certain it is 50 ohm. It was originally purchased from Phelps-Dodge in NJ for a UHF repeater along with a duplexer and base station antenna. My memo