Kewl! It's clear from your story that you're as big a jerk as the other guy. With your attitude, your city might just reconsider its current policy, and I wouldn't blame them. gm a g 0 n at a r r l d
I just had an email from a friend asking about some Rohn 6. I've never heard of it and wonder if anyone can tell me about it. There's an offer of 56 feet for $300. If it's as old as it sounds, that w
Thanks. Assumed that was probably the case. I had some of that myself some 40 years ago. Even had a TA-33 on it. Happy Holidays to all from Nebraska. gm a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t http colon slash
Yep, I got 70 feet for $200. He's already called the deal off. Thanks for the input guys and have a great Christmas. gm a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t http colon slash slash mcduffie dot ws --
I don't now just HOW old you are talking about, but I've been into many of the old ones to modify commercial versions to amateur band, or to obtain the housing for homebrew versions. This was in the
I had my T2X over ten years before someone on the list pointed that fact out to me also. I just did it the old fashioned way by rotating it to the opposite end. Gary a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t http
It's easier than that. Just create an alias called tt (or whatever you want). Then highlight the To field and type tt. I think all lists should reply to the list. If you want to include the originato
I don't remember the rotary variety, but still use the DPDT version to kick the Thunderbolt in and out of the circuit between transmit and receive. Gary a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t http colon slash
Yep, I got three copies of it. It wasn't sent from my address though. I don't know where/who is. That's the address that was on the ones I got. My ISP doesn't even let me get them (I want
The connection would probably be that "someone" on the list is infected. Maybe not even that. This is the first one I've received via the list in a long time. Just ride it out. This too will pass. ;o
Likewise. I've never used flux (other than what's in good quality solder) on a connector and can't imagine putting that messy stuff on the parts. How would you clean it off of the surfaces and out of
I'll add to your question with one of my own. In this context, just what is a helix? gm a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t http colon slash slash mcduffie dot ws --
Apparently, that's too much like work for most. Just like trimming unnecessary "include" lines. They just can't be bothered. gm a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t http colon slash slash mcduffie dot ws --
About 30 miles from here. Just saw the video. ABC is no-go here for a long time. gm a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t http colon slash slash mcduffie dot ws --
It is a "brand name", the manufacturer. I don't know a lot about the details of why they consider them so bad, but one reason is the fact that the tower legs all come down to the base, instead of pie
Hopefully, I didn't already send this to the group. I've thrown together a quick web page with pictures from yesterday's trip to the KDUH tower collapse. Apologies for using a canned program to gener
Some people call newsgroups reflectors. They probably meant the newsgroup. Subscribe like any other ng. gm a g 0 n at a r r l dot n e t http colon slash slash mcduffie dot w