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References: [ +from:W0TMM@NC.RR.COM: 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [TowerTalk] Fulton KW3000 Winch (score: 1)
Author: "W0TMM" <W0TMM@NC.RR.COM>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 17:36:33 -0500
I have been raising and lowering by 65' Rohn 25 tilt over tower for the last 1-1/2 years with a ratchet-type boat winch. It has aproximately a 15 to 1 gear ratio. It is quite a job to crank it up by
/archives//html/Towertalk/2006-12/msg00888.html (7,357 bytes)

2. [TowerTalk] 80 Meter Inverted L (score: 1)
Author: "W0TMM" <W0TMM@NC.RR.COM>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 21:04:16 -0500
I was wondering if an 80 meter Inverted L would be an improvement over my 80 meter Inverted Vee? The Vee is 60' high and I was thinking about a 40' high by 44' long for the Inverted L. Any suggestion
/archives//html/Towertalk/2007-01/msg00152.html (6,390 bytes)

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