Good morning to all, If I may ask what or how do these "current" submissions do with Towers? Its up to the admin to regulate who is here so Mr.Marlon is here, lets embrace him, educate him and we wil
Hello, I have a Cushcraft "skywalker" 10-4 cd 4 element 10 mtr monobander. I have had this is my parents garage since I bought it 11 or 12 years ago! I had to trash the box, but the antenna and the b
Why is it private!!! What a pain, sign in register just to be told it is private!! Attention list don't waste your time... we can't see it... I had my heart set on seeing a top notch tower too! Next
Hello to all I offer the following items for sale: 1. Cushcraft Skywalker 10-4cd unused about 11-12 years old. Never in the air, mint condition...............................$145.00 shipped conus 2.
Thanks to everyone with interest, but the cushcraft has been sold. 73 DE NE6V ARRL Los Angeles Section Affiliated Club Coordinator ARRL SW Division Cong.Dist.29 LAA ARRL Life Member -- Original Messa
Hi Group, Many have asked what's a Gizmotchy, so I thought I'd provide the url. So everyone can see for themselves. -At the present I have (6) 2 mtr models, 4 elements each, 1500 watt gama matches. F
First off Mr.Goins, I do not make the antennas I only sell Amateur Radio Antennas. I'm sure when you went to the web site you saw very clearly my name is listed ONLY as a AMATEUR ANTENNA Distributor,
When we assume guys... come on... That website I referenced earlier is not mine, that's the website of the manf. I supplied that so you guys can get some background info. So all of you guys that have
Hi you are correct these antennas take 2 feedlines and you can switch via your alpha-delta switch box or what ever. I have one up and it works GREAT. A 4.5 ' boom, 5.5 lbs and our models on the conse