Tom, KB0MZG, passed along the following. "Try a solution of vinegar and water. 75/25 in proportion. This is an old furniture makers trick that was used with varnish." I tried it, and it worked. Hope
It's my turn: if anyone knows where I can obtain a model of the old TA-36 that I can use with EZNEC, I'd much appreciate that information. Occasionally, there have been such requests, and I can't rec
<< how to dig a 3x3x4 foot hole. Post hole digger?? >> A lot depends on what you're digging into. The easiest is to get somebody with a backhoe...costs vary, but I recently had a hole dug in Maine fo
A review of the Cushcraft X7 was published by GM4NHI; it's available at It contains some practical tips and he welcomes questions regarding the X7. 73, Bert N4CW -- FAQ
I'm still wondering about the following statement included with the Assembly and Installation instructions for the XM240: "Installation Recommendations & Operating Tips"......"1. Vertically and horiz
I've owned a couple of those EZ-Way towers and never had any problems with the "wonder post" (honest, that's what it's called!!!). I recall that EZ-Way's installation instructions had provisions for
I just had a TailTwister refurbished by HyGain/Telex. Cost to refurbish is currently $197. You just pack the rotator and control box, include the check inside the box, and ship it to them. I shipped
I went to the TJAntennas web site and looked at their online catalog for the Base Station BB3 and found this: "VSWR is less than I.5:1 from 160 through 40 meters, and less than 3:1 for the higher fre
Norm's Rotor Service sells a brake delay for HyGain rotators. See his web page. 73, Bert N4CW -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administ
The URL for Max Gain Systems is: 73, Bert N4CW -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: towertal
Re: Pete, N4ZR's, suggestion that the shelf and a muffler clamp are a cheaper solution than the thrust bearing: In my case, for maintenance, I use a piece of angle iron and two muffler clamps, one fo
While discussing antennas with K4TMC (former WB4HFL), the topic arose regarding using hardline as elements in a "rope gun" configuration. Why not? But what happens to an element's electrical/magnetic
I suggest using plastic clothesline cord, the kind with no wire in it. It's UV resistant, being designed for outdoor use, readily available, and cheap! 73, Bert N4CW -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contest
Using the Rohn "Standard Concrete Anchors" (C620643) page of the Rohn catalog as a guide, I have a hard time understanding the "Anchor Detail for GAC 30" drawing. The illustration states, "REINFORCIN
While crunching some numbers on an inv. L for 160 using EZNEC over real ground, I found that the antenna became more directive as the vertical height shortened and the horizontal leg correspondingly
See Leeson's book PHYSICAL DESIGN OF YAGI ANTENNAS, Chapter 10, Section 10.13, "Concrete Basics for Tower Installation". The last sentence reads, "Typically the rebar must be covered by at least 2 in
One shouldn't forget The "Titan" towers made by Trylon Manufacturing Co., Ltd in Elmira, Ontario (519)669-5421...of course, they don't crank up or down but they're not far from the 2 call area, and t
I need to ship an Isoloop antenna to my son-in-law 2500 miles away. I went to a local pack 'n ship place and got some prices on shipping alone; would you believe costs for shipping started around $13
My findings exactly; thus, back to the original question, how did AEA do it? 73, Bert _______________________________________________ See: for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wir
If I recall, measurements are made with an un-terminated OR a shorted load... and you make your calculations based on the assumption that ALL the forward power gets reflected back. Apparently, what d