For those who can't imagine long runs of open wire line or the simplicity of using one 135' dipole on all bands: Runs up to 1500' long are practical due to the low loss. It allows antennas at locatio
In a message dated 15.11.99 13:02:09 Pacific Standard Time, K7GCO writes: All this talk about long lines is not for those on 100x100' lots but there are creative ways to extend your horizons. I'm not
Your switchable Beverage is a great application for open wire line and your support idea is great. Can you send me the technical details as that is one antenna I want to use in SD. What articles are
Using a 450 ohm balun connected to a 450 ohm open wire line seldom works as does the use of a 4:1 balun. You would have to just luck out with the right length of open wire line. It assumes the Z at
<< Short out both ends, tie one end to a wooden object with string, pull it tight 4-5' off the ground and GD the other end where it's half wave, a full wave on and on. Listen for the dip frequency in
I would suggest that hams measure the loss of your coax (per 100" at 29 MHz) and you will get some surprises. For RG8 .66 VF the loss should be no more than 1 dB/100' at 30 MHz. Measure the VF also.
All this coverage on open wire line and tuners has been jogging my memory of 60 some years of use. The main problem in tuner loss is high reactance and low Z loads. The reactance is from antennas off
<< CC: Steve: Applying silicon to the PL259 and SO239 threads is a must. Use a Q tip inside the PL259 and a tooth brush on the SO239. Do you have evidence that a very light coat
<< With all this problem of rusting ground rods here's a better idea. Copper sheet is available from the copper and brass places. Take a sheet 18"x6', coil it and bury it in a post hole. Clamp and so
For those who asked: << I use silicone grease on the threads of coax connectors mainly just for ease of turning the barrel and eliminating corrosion on the S0239's. The threads remain clean. I seal t
. Is anyone familiar with the 20M 3 element All Driven Array (FD elements of 4:1 step up ratio on a 24' boom) advertised by Dick Adcock W4GL in a 1952 QST I think it was for one issue? I have a copy
There are those who claim that "quads don't scale pattern wise like yagi's do and have to be retuned." Careful comparison can prove this and I intend to do it. Yagi's are hard to scale physically as
At my new SD location it has buried power lines for over a mile out in the country much to my surprise. I had heard that buried lines can get noisy. So I called the power company there about this and
. << (Scott Ginsburg), Open wire line doesn't radiate if the currents are balanced and I've run it fairly close to power lines of 1-2' when necessary and other wires without a probl
<< Log Periodic Antennas can overload the front ends of so called modern receivers and their untuned mixers. One time 2 years ago 10M was really open and I was 40 over 9 four contacts in a row on the
<< In a message dated 26.11.99 11:59:08 Pacific Standard Time, writes: << Something has really been bothering me. It is the statement which often appears here. "Balanced line doe
<< The High Sierra and other "screwdriver" antennas will be too tall for mobile operations from a tall SUV like the Durango (or indeed from any vehicle). However, it can be mounted to the frame and c
The question of a LP antenna overloading receiver is an interesting problem as described below. The argument the LP manufacturer makes sounds good but I still find a Yagi has a fair
<< There are advanced AVC circuit requirements for DXers that allow working 300/hr on CW in contests. The 1000MP has a modification just for that and it works. ___________________________ I use a 100
<< Two choices of two letters: IF or AF Or ... don't we really want to cut out as much of the garbage as early as possible at the antenna, then the tuner, then the front end, then the IF and as a las