In a message dated 7/19/01 2:21:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << Hi Everyone, Mike VE9AA here. Brand spanking new to the list and I am going to fire off a question right off
In a message dated 7/24/01 10:49:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: Hello, Name is Mel, KD7DCR, here and I am new to this ham radio gig. I am just getting my first station set up,
In a message dated 7/27/01 10:44:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:<< I purchased a military surplus camouflaged antenna a couple of years ago. Placed it in the garage when I got
<< This is my ignorant question for today -- with only an antenna analyzer, how can I determine the resonant frequency of my tower? I plan to attach a first-attempt at shunt feed at about the 30-foot
The posts below show the questions that still exist on the need of breaking up guy wires. N7WA got it right. Some time ago I gave info on TT of Eznec patterns I ran of different length guy wires belo
Steve: You are absolutely right on your statements below. I addressed only the one beam on top of the tower. My 5 conditions zero'd in on it although it applies to other beams at a distance for refle
guy wires is greatly attenuated and any reflected RF is attenuated again back beam is from surrounding objects to the side/back and below. It just doesn't see Actually, NOT ok. The typical image we f
<< Kurt: With my planned antenna arrays, I won't have appreciable mast torque caused by off-center mounting of the boom on the mast. I'll have a small V/UHF vertical at the top, a D40 rotatable dipol
is a must and will eliminate RF Spill Over transfer to the guys from the tower and coax shield. There can still be RF coupling from the beam to a guy directly underneath even with the insulator at th
<< Ken: Thanks for your note. I agree that a BIG rotator can withstand and survive many of the overloads that torque imbalances can place on it. I'm not familiar with PP rotators, but I'll take your
<< I recently bought an M2 eight element fm 2 meter beam to install at the top of my mast on my tower. Where do I purchase an insulated mast section for the 2 meter beam that I can connect to my 2 in
This is a sharp answer with some good humor to a lot of unnecessary nit picking that goes on, on Tower Talk. They never ever contribute any useful info themselves--it's too risky. Any comments. K7GCO
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This seems to be a catch-phrase for you, Ken. You've used it in several messages. Frankly, I've been a charter member of TowerTalk (virutally) since it's inception, and I've never see
In a message dated 6/18/01 6:33:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:<< Copper roofing is all the rage for commercial buildings and some high-end private residences, so my local scrap
Very good point below. I didn't mention I used 2 brass screws also which also soldered nicely. I also suggsted one continuous 6" wide strip all the way across the desk and out to the bottom of the gr
<< I would suggest one correction to a comment made and I quote: "It's easy to solder any other wires...."! Please, never solder any grounds! The low melting point of solder will cause the joint to d
"STRAY RF--YES & NO!" This was sent to 23 others before to TT for their comments. No one had a single problem with it as they had found the same things I have. I wanted thank the others who confirmed
In a message dated 6/25/01 11:26:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << I have aluminum rectangular blocks (4"x4"x1") that I need to cut a 3" diameter hole in (using them instead of muffler clamps).
In a message dated 6/26/01 8:36:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << A current fed Long Wire is an OK antenna, but probably NOT at 20 ft. There will be DEEP NULLS broadside to the wi
Field Day or Base Antennas The Post below on 40M FD Antennas created a lot of response to me for which I appreciated. In the July CQ p44 a "very timely article" appeared that "paralleled exactly" the