I'm considering building a AN wireless tower at my property in St Pete Beach, and it must be rated for 120 MPH wind which means it's large foundation. Good news is the city says I'm good up to a 70'
I'm not sure why threading is all messed up with this thread. Probably outlook messing it up. The K foundation is about 19 yards for the Pier and Pad. I've put a site plan and some of the documents o
This is bad advice, and is not an accepted practice anywhere. If you start falling, the force needed to stop the fall is greater than what your fingers can support. More than likely you'll get your l
I'm in need of an attorney in this area. Can anyone refer me an attorney (ham preferably) in the NWI who knows leasing law? 73's -- Bryan Fields 727-409-1194 - Voice 727-214-2508 - Fax http://bryanfi
Argh, idiots top posting. Anyways, the main cost for cadweld is the molds. Once you have them it's very cheap ($4/weld) to make the connections. The tower leg/pipe molds are really nice to have as yo
for Customer Premises B.2.3 Bonding connections Bonding connections are made by means of exothermic welding or Listed irreversible compression connectors or mechanical connectors. Exothermic welding
They are $1600 new. I'd say about $250-$300 for a used one. Keep in mind this tower is only rated for supporting a small (under 1 sqft!) load at 90mph, which is the rating for Hill county, TX. -- Bry
If you check the old rohn drawings from the 70s, they are made to 70mph under 222d, not 90mph as 222g goes to. Rohn does not produce this tower anymore, and criticaltowers.com has a drawing in line w
They are much faster to connect and require no tools to do so. -- Bryan Fields 727-409-1194 http://bryanfields.net _______________________________________________ ____________________________________
What connectors are you using to crimp on LMR-400? I've used the EZ connectors from Times and never had this issue. I suspect you're not using the Times branded connectors or Times brand cable. The h
Yes, Seminole County is a 105-120 windspeed zone according to TIA-222G. Seminole County is split, and based on your FCC address you're in the lower speed area (110 mph). The Florida Building Code per
Believing in something does not make it so. Literally nothing is correct in that paragraph. -- Bryan Fields 727-409-1194 - Voice 727-214-2508 - Fax http://bryanfields.net ____________________________
Yes, it's a concept. It is not reality. Again a concept. I believe you have me (W9CR) confused with KK6MC. And you're entitled to your opinion. I'm also entitled to call BS on it. -- Bryan Fields 727
And RG213 left open at one end would have a respectable return loss of 12dB, or a VSWR of 1.6:1. Remember: anyone telling you to run higher loss cable to improve their antenna design is full of shit.
But he did hijack the thread. :facepalm: I think hams are too stupid to use email. -- Bryan Fields 727-409-1194 - Voice 727-214-2508 - Fax http://bryanfields.net _____________________________________
Many years ago (2003) I was running a wireless ISP. At the time Alvarion had a new 900 MHz Part 15 band GMFSK radio that was revolutionizing our markets by delivering 1.5 mbit through miles of trees.
TBQH the weller stations are crap. I had one and loved it, until I was introduced to a Metcal soldering station. The metcal uses a 13.65 MHz RF source to heat the tip of the iron up, and once it hits
This what it looks like http://www.techni-tool.com/551SO6561?gclid=CjwKEAjw0NytBRD-1d3QsdHNpR0SJACGXqgRlBqm0GHsa_K0zmDD-v4JVf5D-QajFx9RjuBr-3QHvRoCh6Lw_wcB&ef_id=UngxVAAAAOaduh0R:20150728195128:s I b
I said it was crap compared to the Metcal, and it is. If you only know the weller, you will think it's awesome. If however you've known a Metcal, you'd call the Weller crap. It's the difference betwe
I bought new tips for $15 per tip at Dayton from my contact listed earlier. If you use the magnetic rest holder I posted a link to earlier, it will last longer as it brings the working temp down when