Paul et al, what you want is called " C Rural Wire" unlike drop wire it has a solid PVC insulation and is so strong it can be used to tow a small truck. It has 2 #14 copper clad steel wire about 1/
I have a problem with saying TB season is over. It is just this.. if we as DXers say it is over then others will stay away and it will become a self fulfilling prophecy. In past years I have worked
Boy does that sound familiar... First make sure you have a really really good ground.. Kenwood radios (IMHO) seem to need a better ground than many other radios or they suffer RF problems. I also wo
RI1ANF is So. Shetland IS for sure and stated this a few times on other bands. I am not sure if this counts for Antartica or not ( I suspect not!). I cant even find any evidence that Antarctica eve
Jeff, I believe the prop mode you are taking about it called "ANTIPITAL PROPAGATION" it is like a focusing mirror. There is a story about Ben Franklin in one of the early sessions of congress. B
Tom, When I was a young-un (in 1966) I had an old school beverage antenna suspended between a 40 ft pole and an 80 ft tree some 150 ft away, as with many antennas in those days it was made of what
I dont clean mine when I use flooded cable (including the 7/8" hardline type) but this stuff is damn tough to get off of your hands and if you need something to clean up (or the cable) try either GO
Mike, C Rural wire is available from your local telephone company. I usually get the stuff that is wrecked out and of not more use. It is #14 copper clad steel and it has a pretty heavy copper. S
No.. dont believe this. The cloth covered stuff is DROP WIRE used to connect the pole to the house and is not as strong as the C RURAL WIRE. Jim _______________________________________________ UR RS
No.. IT WASNT. it was two #14 copper clad steel conductors covered with an alpath type of insulation, read that to mean the same type of jacket as they use on the current multi-pair cables. THis go
Frank, Sorry to say it didnt work for me! Two years ago this September I contracted Lyme Desease and I had treated my clothing with Permethrin very heavily... but what I didnt do was take a showe
Tom, The only problem with measuring field strengh is that mos people dont have the tools to do it correctly or accurately. It really takes a total system of antenna, Feed line and Analyzer all of
For those of you that use LOTW, HK0NA logs were supposedly uploaded to LOTW today. Having said that I didnt get 160 confirmed as yet even tho I am in their log books. I am guessing it takes a long
EDDY, IMHO you are much better using a ballanced tuner with an UNUN on the transmitter side. You will get a better match over a wider impendence AND a wider frequency range provided you choose the
George, While there may be many that disagree with me I love digital modes on 160. I primarily use JT65 and it has been one of the reasons that I have worked Japan and New Zealand on TB. I use it p
I was afraid this was going to turn into a yours is bigger than mine.. geeze.. but at the risk of taking up space on Tree's forum..,,, With all due respect the area that people work JT65 in now is du
I noticed that some of the DXpeditions are using vertical diipoles next to the sea on at least some of the higher bands ( I am guessing 20 and up). I stuffed the data into EZNEC 5.0 and came up with
Tom, All you say is correct and anecdotal evidence is spotty at best and I understand this. But sometimes some of the guys, being big DXers have insights that I and many others dont have. Having wo
All of this talk about propagation on TB has refreshed my memory of when I read the original ON4UN book where he talks about skewed paths... AND it explains what happened to me on 9/20 starting at 09
It is my belief that radios that are usuable tunable or easily reprogrammable (without a trained technician or special software) in the maritime service (and capable of tuning the Ham bands) would be