I made three shots of my shack, here is the last two mike w7dra http://youtu.be/Yeiwumu54Ew http://youtu.be/LO_bL6Pe8ZM I thoroughly enjoyed this video. Can we look forward to anything more ? -Steve
i have never called or been called by a W in an ARRL DX contest,but i have sure been tempted back in the days before the RBN/is ANYONE hearing me? mike w7dra Hi Guys I have been reading this thread a
an SX71 and ARC5 transmitter, 25 watts input, 125 foot wire in a tree. stick and dupe sheet as i said, a classic field day mike w7dra ____________________________________________________________ The
this brings back a lot of memories..........i arrived on rarotonga a week after a French Dxpidition did, who was set up in the K2KW motel room with vertical antennas on the beach just as you would im
im ny life i have never been is a quieter radio location than rarotonga! mike w7dra ____________________________________________________________ 4 Fish to Never Eat Click to Learn 4 Fish to NEVER Eat
I have never been a fan of the 15 second QSO, of course when you run ancient equipment and paper logs you have a different view on radio in general. my foggy brain feels need of longer QSOs at least
well, last night about 0600z i went out and heard signals on the NC183, and my 211 PA was able to light dimly the 300 watt dummy load light bulb, so i worked about ten stations. a good SP mike w7dra
i did actually hear K1N on 80 meters, but what was most fun was reading about the last trip there, when the old guy (my age) climed up the metal chain ladder, and the box with a rig carried on the pl
Boy Tom, W8JI really hit the nail on the head, the antenna that works the best for you is the one you like. I finally after years of inverted Ls and other esoteric vertical mishaps I now have the ant
i started radio with WN7ZVY in 1955, and i use the same rules that were in vogue then. if it is in the 1954 ARRL handbook i do it when i operate at my dughters house 50 miles away from my house i sig
corrrect me if i am wrong (seems i get more wrong than i used to) the "Central Point" is where the white neutral buss, the green ground buss and the ground rod return all come togtether mike w7dra __
after working defiantly on my hallicrafters S40 roofing filter and reducing my 807 power supply down to 230 volts, instead of being home in the noted pacific northwest 160 meter contest super station
well, i am not at my daughters house in Aberdeen WA yet, but they have a basement room right next to a tall tree, so i can get somewhat of a vertical with two crinkled radials out the basement window
i have always sent /7 or /something when i was away from the home shack. i am too old to change now mike w7dra ____________________________________________________________ 1 Secret To Cut 15 Years Of
the plans of mice and men due to sickness i will NOT be going to Aberdeen WA to work the stew perry as w7dra/7 i WILL be home at the noted 160 meter superstation running 7 watts input (yes i can meas
1958 frank w1wy had both stew and myself turn in CQWW 1.8mcs logs mike w7dra ____________________________________________________________ 4 Common Foods 'Destroying' Your Digestive Health ... Hattaka
i normally run a half wave inverted L, 125 up and 125 out. with our great winds here in the pac north west this December, my inverted L got caught in a tree about 50 feet from the supporting tree i c