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Total 5 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Topband: Remote SDR Receive only setup (score: 1)
Author: Mack McCormick <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 07:34:22 -0500
Frank, I do a great deal of remote work including exposing 160M, 80M, and 40M, and 20M receivers to dozens of users simultaneously that they can tune independently. Take a look at and
/archives//html/Topband/2012-11/msg00390.html (8,036 bytes)

2. Re: Topband: Remote SDR Receive only setup (score: 1)
Author: Mack McCormick <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 05:44:09 -0500
Bryan, Thank you for your kind comments. I'm pleased you enjoy the site. Mahalo, Mack W4AX -- 73, Mack de W4AX _______________________________________________ Topband reflector - topb
/archives//html/Topband/2012-11/msg00456.html (9,066 bytes)

3. Topband: Recommended Antennas for 160M/80M Receiving (score: 1)
Author: Mack McCormick <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 09:11:39 -0500
Friends, I need to really increase my country count on 160M so I've decided to installed dedicated receiving antennas. My home is on a 6 acre rectangular lot so I have room for a couple of 800 ft bev
/archives//html/Topband/2014-12/msg00356.html (8,106 bytes)

4. Re: Topband: Recommended Antennas for 160M/80M Receiving (score: 1)
Author: Mack McCormick <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:50:02 -0500
Jim, Tim, and Tim, Thank you all for some really great advice. Perhaps I should look more closely at the 8 element receiving arrays. Are most of the 160M contest stations now using receiving array's
/archives//html/Topband/2014-12/msg00361.html (11,348 bytes)

5. Re: Topband: Recommended Antennas for 160M/80M Receiving (score: 1)
Author: Mack McCormick <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:27:07 -0500
Joel, Thank you very much for your kind reply. Do you have a preferred model of 8 element array that will perform well on 160M and 80M? Yes, I'd love to read the article. Of course, I belong to the A
/archives//html/Topband/2014-12/msg00370.html (10,828 bytes)

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