Greetings and Happy New Year to all Top Band enthusiasts. Last September, when the new CQ 160 contest rules were announced for 2003, this topic was discussed on the Top Band reflector. The responses
Gentlemen, Our multi-op group had mixed feelings when we heard the CQ160 event would be extended to 48 hours. On the whole we commend the sponsors for providing operators on other continents, especia
Steve, Nice to hear from you. Unfortunately for stations south of the equator this annual event occurs during your summer when 160 conditions are less than ideal, when limited hours of darkness restr
Over the years I have found it most efficient for DX stations to show up on 160 meters either on the top of the hour or on the half-hour between 0200 and 1100 UTC. That seems to maximize the number o
For the fifth and possibly our final year the W2GD Multi-Op crew (N2AA, W2CG, W1GD, W2GD, N2NC, W2NO, K2SQ, K2TW, and KB5U) will be operating our "Field Day in January" from the US Coast Guard (USCG)
Scheduled roommate cancelled unexpectedly at the last minute this afternoon due to work commitments. Looking for someone to share a room at the Crowne this weekend. Available THUR/FRI/SAT nights. Con
Several telephone calls were almost instantly received within an hour of posting.....and a roommate has been found for all three nights at the Crowne. Thanks for the bandwidth and hope to see many of
At P40W I use a vertical dipole. The big advantage - no ground system required. An 80/160 version of the antenna is described at I have just installed a stan
Non-smoking double reserved for Thurs/Fri/Sat nights at the Dayton Crowne Plaza Hotel. Looking for roommate to share expenses. Please respond to and include contact info (name/call/p
As a courtesy, last weekend our Multi operation, as a courtesy, refrained from calling CQ in what some still consider the DX Window (1830 - 1835). BUT lets be realistic here, this is 2011, not 1961.
Hi Topbanders! Does one of you out there, who has upgraded from a HI-Z 4 to the HI-Z 8 have a spare or unneeded HI-Z 4 control box languishing in a corner or on a shelf? I'm looking for a used HI-Z 4
Hi Towertalkers! Is there one of you out there who has upgraded their HI-Z 4 to the HI-Z 8 have a an unneeded HI-Z 4 control box languishing in a corner of the shack or on a shelf somewhere? I'm look
Greetings Fellow Topband Contesters: During the last week of January the topic of remote RX systems was extensively discussed on the TB reflector. I was on my way to K1N and didn't have the time nor
Mark, Unless others speak up, N2NT is inclined to change the rules and allow remote RX systems. So the time is NOW to make your thoughts known on the reflector. 73, John _________________ Topband Ref
The message did not go anywhere Tony. I am forwarding your comments to the Topband reflector. Regards, GD My feeling is the transmit and receive antennas need to be in the same location, whether it i
This has been a great discussion.....nearly 50 posts on the remote RX question this week....nice job everyone.....we even managed to keep it fairly 'civil'. I went back and read all of your posts a s
The VP6D ops were really terrific last night. Listened to them for two hours. They cleaned the table to EU. Worked them from P40W with 100w and 55 foot tall vertical dipole. A definite thrill! RX was
For those who have limited space and are unable to lay out an effective ground system, the vertical dipole offers a very worthwhile alternative to an Inverted-L or low Inverted-V. It is relatively ea
Our 160m CW Team has been operating together for over 35 years. Gene Walsh, N2AA was an original member of the team. This weekend, the Team will honor Gene's memory by using his call N2AA during the
We NEVER give up. GD Love the spirit! GL OMs!! This weekend, the Team will honor Gene's memory by using his call N2AA during the 2022 CQ160 CW (instead of W2GD). Station preparations are nearly compl