In spite of a geo-mag K index of 3 and elevated solar wind above 350 km/s, the trans-polar path from VE6 to EU has been open the last few nights. Last night the EU pile-up for both the HU1 and TI9 wa
I have been away for three weeks on holidays with no internet so I am late to this thread. I understand Bobs question. During the last solar minimum, the EU path seemed to favour the southern latitud
This is the first winter season using my broadside phased Beverages pairs. I have a pair for EU, JA, North and OC. In each case they are about 950 long and are spaced 400 apart. Each wire is fed with
Just like some guys enjoy woodworking and making furniture that they may not really need, I like to build radio things just for the fun of the project even though I may not really need it. For three
Hi Rick, Yes, the 2N5109s are almost un-obtainium now, but a few months ago Mouser stocked them and maybe DigiKey, but now they are out-of-stock. Even the 2N3866 substitute is hard to find. Over the
Hi Warren, Sure. Here is a link to a folder that has most of the KiCad files in it including the schematic. I also added a folder with my footprint Library data.
Last night the trans-polar EU path was open to VE6 although the QSB was very deep. 22 EU made it into my log. At first the band seemed poor, with only very weak signals bubbling at the noise level. B
This winter I've noticed that when CQing on 160m, if I get spotted on the conventional packet cluster, I seem to get more action. Ive always found this surprising because usually with 3 seconds (!!!)
Dave, I agree entirely. Which is why I have BOTH streamed together via VE7CC into my main packet window, the bandmap, and onto the Flex waterfall. steve _________________ Searchable Archives: http://
As Henk says, I too use the VE7CC CC Cluster program. It is a great program that runs in the background, and becomes the DX cluster and Skimmer aggregator that will port the spots to whatever logging
Hi Mike My logic is that I want to see ALL spotsespecially those from EU skimmers. Why? First of all I want to use my own radio to decide if I can hear them. My own RBN skimmer will only decode a sma
Yes it was!! I was also very surprised when Luis IV3PRK answered my CQ last night. During the last min (2008-11) Luis was pretty much QRV every night. My last QSO with him was Jan 2019. Condx were qu
With many hams around the world staying home and "practicing social distancing to flatten the CV-19 curve, what a great time to be on the radio! Lets get out there and call CQ to stir up the band. (o
Yes. I always check RBN to see if my CQ is being spotted in EU or VK or JA etc. However, a few comments about the RBN network. For 9 years I have been running my RBN skimmer node on the RBN network
Yesterday I uploaded another YouTube video to my RX antenna series. Using 4NEC2, both single-wire and broadside phased Beverage arrays are modelled to study the RDF and forward beam-width. The 9 circ
Last night DL8LAS and SP3HLM were logged on 160m but the ONLY copy was via a skewed path over South America, a 90 deg skew path from direct. This was not a subtle path skew, but very dramatic with ab
Roger, You had a very solid and strong signal here in VE6 last night so your low dipole is working for TX, but you could not hear me calling. Your CQs were too long, because often by the time you fin
Common darkness between VE6 and EU is getting shorter by the day, but as long as the geo-mag cooperates, the band remains open. Last night I was able to work ON7PQ, ON8DM, G4UFK and G3XHZ from betwee
Tom, Yes. Just sweeping from the end of the coax in the shack should show the same dip of R at the correct frequency. (The absolute R value (in Ohms), and X value will not be correct because of the f
Mikek, I made a number of measurements of my Beverages last summer including using TDR to estimate physical length. This depends on knowing the VF of the wire. However, If you know the physical lengt