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Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. Topband: DSP (score: 232)
Author: rtym at (Ryszard Tymkiewicz)
Date: Thu Jul 10 09:54:43 2003
Hi All, I don't know too much about DSP devices /audio/ but I would like to buy one for my TS930S of course for using it on Topband CW for weak signals in the noise. I have already INRAD filters inst
/archives//html/Topband/2003-07/msg00042.html (6,658 bytes)

2. Topband: DSP (score: 232)
Author: rtym at (Ryszard Tymkiewicz)
Date: Fri Jul 11 07:08:05 2003
I'd like to say "Thank you" all of you who sent me their opinions about DSP,I'v got about 15 e-mails and really Topband group is still friendly and very helpful. Well,most of e-mails I'v got have bee
/archives//html/Topband/2003-07/msg00047.html (6,815 bytes)

3. Topband: SA (score: 232)
Author: rtym at (Ryszard Tymkiewicz)
Date: Mon Jun 30 08:19:44 2003
Hi All, Well,after so many years of "hunting" ZP on Topband I worked Doug last night.Two nights ago when ZP6CW was worked by a few EU's /congrats Fausto I4EAT/ I was not hearing even a trace ,maybe b
/archives//html/Topband/2003-06/msg00122.html (6,590 bytes)

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